Monday, May 30, 2011

You are valuable

God’s love is for ALL people – it doesn’t matter age, race, gender, location, financial situation etc.  He loves and accepts each of us – HIS children!

Here’s what Eph. 3:17b-18 has to say about this:
“And I pray that YOU, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”

Can you reach out and embrace or take hold of God’s truth of how much HE loves YOU, accepts YOU and values YOU?!  Would you set aside some time to ponder and consider how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ?

Zeph. 3:17  says, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”

God delights in you His child.  You have value if for no other reason other than God created you and that in and of its self means you are valuable.

Have you spent much time considering and absorbing this truth?  He is with you, He delights in you, He rejoices over you with singing.  Wow!  That’s how your Heavenly Father feels about YOU!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Gift

Anyone else willing to admit that they rescheduled (or cleared) a part of their day to watch the final episode of Oprah? 

I have always appreciated hearing her "what I know for sure" segments.  We all have so much to learn from each other.  I was also encouraged to hear her set straight the fact that she believes in the One and only G*O*D and truly recognizes and appreciates God's amazing grace in her life.  She has always encouraged gratitude.  Wise, very wise. 

The most touching moment for me was watching the 400+ Morehouse College men that had been beneficiaries of her scholarship, honor her by walking into the arena each with a single light.  The darkened arena was soon aglow with a symbol representative of hope for a future that her generosity afforded.  Ah....the power of influence.

We too possess this gift from God - the power to influence - to affect the world for good.  It is not one that can only be given monetarily - although it can.  Nor is it one that can only be given by serving with your hands - although it can.  Nor is it one that can only be given by hours and hours of prayer on your knees - although it can.  For it is the combination of efforts of many along the way that enables the *gift* to be given and received.  What gift?  The gift of acknowledgement - of worth.

All are created for a purpose - with dreams - with hope.

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.   2 Peter 1:3

Everything we need is within us - called to serve.  Where you are.  As you are.  With what you already have - you are fully equipped.  Struggling with that right now?

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Phillipians 4:8

Dig deep in the Word.  Call a fellow believer.  Realign your thinking.

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.   2 Peter 1:5-7

Begins with faith....ends with love.

I agree with how Oprah ended her show: "To God be the glory".

Press in and press on,

Monday, May 23, 2011


Waiting, waiting... I don't know about you but waiting is hard to do because, well... you have to wait. Waiting causes us to have patience. And often waiting is even more challenging when we lack knowledge or understanding, or the reason why. Waiting means someone else is involved and often we aren't privy to the reason why we have to wait... we just have to wait.

I find myself wondering if it's my selfishness, or anxiety, or impatience that doesn't want to wait? And if we could get some perspective and a glimpse at the big picture, would we find ourselves as frustrated with the waiting?

I have found that often waiting builds character, and patience, and sometimes it even broadens my perspective.

If we could only see, if even for a moment, through God's eyes what He sees, wouldn't that change our perspective on so many things around us?

Consider a parent/child relationship. The child doesn't have enough life experience to fully and completely understand the ramifications of the situation. Parents have perspective and understanding the child just doesn't have.

So it is with God and us – His children. Simply put... we're not God. We can't see the world at a glance nor do we understand God's perspective. Which means sometimes we need to wait because God's hand is at work and we don't see the whole picture.

So Lord, help me to wait for the things I feel are important and well I'm waiting, help me to be patient. Please give me a bigger perspective on the situation(s) and continue to build character in me. Amen.


Ps. 40:1-3 says, “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”

A word from the wise...literally.

Hope you're having a great long weekend! Its been a busy one for me, but taking time out to connect with Jesus always keeps my heart refreshed and excited about the future. I pray that you're also enjoying those quiet moments with Him too this weekend! Here are a few thoughts Hes been speaking to my heart about. I pray He would speak to yours as well. His Word thats alive and well and transforms our lives changes everything.....I find that as I ask Him to come and open my heart to Him even more....He does. So beautifully, so challenging and yet so peacefully*

Proverbs 20. 15 " Gold there is, and rubbies in abundance. but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel."
Proverbs 20. 19 "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much."
Proverbs 20. 25 "It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows."
Proverbs 20. 27 "The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man; it searches out his inmost being."
Proverbs 22. 1 ""A good name is more desirable that riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."

Blessings over the rest of your weekend!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Share yourself

Blessed are we when we need Him!

What are you being called to?  Who are you being called to influence within your set of circumstances? At the You Matter Day in Stonewall this weekend, we were reminded of Esther and that we were created for such a time as this.

Going through things - good and bad calls us back to God.  Perhaps you are praising Him today for an answered prayer or His ever-near presence in your life.  Perhaps, you are in a valley, drowing in pain.  Many things call us to question our purpose.  Remind yourself, that you are created for a purpose.  That is the truth - don't fall victim to a lie.  Have you dared to explore your heart?   Are you reviving your spirit and your heart - preparing yourself, renewing yourself for His work?

Ephesians 4:1
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

 Say YES to Him and His calling on your life!  If you're unsure, seek the counsel of a trusted and godly friend, then dare to be a Daniel and step out in faith.  We'd love to hear your stories.

Press in and press on!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dirt Therapy

I am one of those people who grew up on a farm and now lives in the city. Having grown up on the farm with gravel roads, prairie grass, the barn out the kitchen window and a field out the living room window there is something about tapping into the familiarity of my childhood roots. I love the peace, quiet, and smells of rural life. I realize if someone is born and raised in the city they may think the birds are loud, the tractors are unfamiliar and the smell of the barn is anything but inviting, however if you are like me the smells and sounds of farm life are quieting and settling. I expect each of us have those things in life which remind us of peaceful, happy, care-free days of when we were younger. For me time in the garden does that. A couple of weeks ago I pulled a weed and the moment I smelled the dirt I inwardly felt myself sigh... peace. I'm looking forward to spending time in the garden, taking a deep breath and setting aside the things which are cluttering my mind.

Ps. 45:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Whether it's time in the garden, swimming laps in the pool, going for a bike ride, crotcheting a baby afghan, kneading bread...whatever that is I would like to suggest each of us intentionally set aside time to still the busyness in our heads and ponder God.

The God of the universe
     the God who doesn't change
          the God who is the beginning and the end.

I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Rev. 1:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Heb. 13:8

Yes, that's my God! The one who cares about the big details in life and the little things which occupy my mine.

And one more thing... if you're finding yourself concerned about the possibility of the world ending on May 21 let me remind you of this verse from Matthew 24:36 "But the exact day and hour? No one knows that, not even heaven's angels, not even the Son. Only the Father knows.”

Whenever that day is – God knows, and He is a trustworthy God. So let's commit ourselves and our days into His hands and enjoy some time in the garden.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Be inspired by Joe

Whenever I go grocery shopping at Superstore there is no way that I'm coming out before I take a nice long walk around (usually try on a few things) through Joe Fresh style area. Joseph Mimran, the designer behind the brand, who also is the name behind Club Monaco and PC Home wanted to design great and internationally inspired clothing at easier on the pocketbook prices for everyday people.
I cannot help but be inspired by that whole thought....when we can be accessible to people no matter their station or lifestyle it changes everything. As an Interior Decorator I deeply respect Mr. Mimran and how he has chosen to not "be above anyone," but truly connects with people coming from all areas in life.

It’s so important I think in our daily lives that we ask God to connect us to people he has prepared to connect us with.....whoever they are. It’s not up to us to produce fruit.....its up to us to obey the prompting of the Lord. He will prepare and He will bring to life what needs to...we just need to say... and every day " whoever you have prepared to connect with me today, prepare my heart and give me the words, that your glory may be revealed and you may be glorified"!!!!! This also is for our growth and benefit. As we are being transformed into Christ's likeness more and more. Amen.
So next time you're in Superstore and you see the Joe Fresh area....think again about how God longs to use YOU to connect with all people;)

Philemon 1.6 says it so well..... "I pray that you may be active in your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ."

Have a great weekend Ladies! (Those of you coming to our You Matter day in Stonewall on Saturday, we are so looking forward to seeing you!!)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mentoring. Who me?

Are you feeling like you have nothing to offer?  Are you intimidated by the intelligence or giftedness of the younger people around you, and in your Church?  Have you caught yourself indulging yourself frequently?
No matter what age group you classify yourself in as you read this, surely there are some younger ladies in your circle of influence than yourself - and if not, perhaps it's time to talk with God on that....

But, I digress.  In pressing on toward the mark, I want to encourage you today, to ask yourself, not what is your role at this stage in your life - but instead...what is your goal?

Are you becoming more like Christ, transforming yourself by renewing your mind?  Are you loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and loving your neighbour as yourself?  Are you encouraging and equipping those young people around you to live for God's glory?

I'm presently in a very busy season of life - personally and professionally, and so each day it has really become a choice - not just out of habit - but dedication to continue delegating time toward the things that grow me spiritually and a daily renewal of commitment to assigning my time for kingdom living.

I don't want to squander any season of life and for you too, I want to encourage you to share your perspective on life.  Your faith, stretched and strengthened by your life experience may be just what someone else needs to hear to be encouraged.

Praying for you all this week as you radiate His glory in you and share your life with others.
Press in and press on,

Monday, May 9, 2011

Working together

When we turn on the news these days there is reference to flooding in so many places in North America.  The Mississippi River is flooding at record levels, the rivers in southern Quebec are flooding with the recent rains, and closer to home the Red River is incredibly high and the Assiniboine River is exceeding record levels.  I am amazed at the innovation and technology numerous people are using to fight the rising waters and the diligence to keep sandbagging and pumping the water back over the dikes to protect homes and businesses.  It’s a picture of diligent team-work, determination and working together. 

I have not been directly involved in fighting rising flood waters, but I have been involved in other circumstances where many of us were working together for a greater cause.  I love the feel of the team-work and camaraderie.  I love working together, solving the challenges together and completing the task together.  Not one person on their own, not a couple of people delegating, but many working together towards the same goal.  It’s a great accomplishment being part of something bigger and reaching the goal together.  Watch any team sporting event, and if they are good as a team, you’ll see this at work over and over again.

Whether the outcome is exactly as I would like it to turn out, it’s still better to be working together through the challenge.  Keep up the good fight, whether that’s against the elements of nature or towards the goals the Lord has set before you.

Be strong and courageous good friends!

“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” Phil 2:2


He will Deliver

Two years ago I was involved in a very serious car accident. A guy...on his cell phone...wasn't paying attention at a stop sign. My car was in the middle of crossing the intersection in front of him when he stepped on his gas. The front of his truck ended up inside the passengers seat and taking my car clear across the intersection. All my windows were smashed in and amazing I was only bleeding from a few glass shards....and even more that I was passenger less. It took him several tries to get his truck unattached from my car, and when he did it was realized that my car would inevitably be written off. It was a bad time, I was newly debt free, launching my design company and still had several more years left on my Toyota. I admit I was upset, the man was so sorry and I was more than grateful that everyone involved was fine....but I was so overwhelmed at the thought of having something important taken away when it wasn't even my fault!!
Going back to scripture I continued to read through Proverbs. Proverbs 20. 22 says, "Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you."
I prayed about my situation and during the journey with Autopac and thoughts of finding a new vehicle I experienced the Lord continuing to walk with me. The more I immersed myself in the Word the more I found I was walking in His Grace and His Peace.  I think its really when your in those "non life threatening, just super inconvenient that’s not your fault times" that there is such opportunity to walk in the maturity and grace of Christ. Knowing myself...I am more of a reactionist than anything close to calm....walking in His peace was definitely only by His grace.

He knows what He’s doing. I ended up receiving $5000.00 for my car from MPI.....I had to wait for a while but God was looking out for me, I got a great new Toyota...5 year upgrade, nicer interior and exterior, tons of extras that I never had before for $5100.00.....I  am still driving this provision vehicle. I had no idea during the entire process...which last about 6 months...that I would be blessed with such a blessing....we don't always see the end result when things happen. When we are transformed by His truth we see things from His perspective. Our hearts are aligned with His will. No matter what has happened or has been taken away, when we trust Him and walk out His Word through His grace, we see Him deliver.....and its always better than we had first thought*

Continue to live out His truth today beautiful friends!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

YC Manitoba - Pictures and Stories

For the past three years the women of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario have generously given so we can give out gifts to the next generation at YC Manitoba with the message that they matter to God and they matter to us.  This year we gave out nylon flyers (frisbees) with the words YOU MATTER! printed on each of them.

We saw some the the flyers/frisbees being used in worship as the bands did an excellent job of leading us into the throne-room of God.

We repeatedly heard from adult leaders words of encouragement that the youth need to hear this message and to keep up the good work.  On the final day of YC we had an adult come and share her story of how the mirrors and Letter from God (, which were given out in 2009, personally impacted her.  She got in her truck at the end of YC that year and looked over and saw the Letter from God and then looked at the mirror with the words YOU MATTER! printed on it.  In that moment God spoke to her heart and the words YOU MATTER! were just for her.  Even as she told her story she was filled with the emotion of our personal God speaking to her that day.

Also, there was a group of 14 who raised a lot of money to come from Arviat, Nunavut to Winnipeg for YC Manitoba.  What a great group of people!  I was reminded and challenged that if the dream and desire is there the money can be raised and the opportunity to be in a crowd of approximately 1100 people at YC Manitoba can actually happen.  I can only imagine what it was like for them to be part of the weekend when, according to Google, they come from a community of just over 2000 people!

Like so many other years YC Manitoba 2011 - Hear the Sound will reverberate in our ears for months and years to come!

Monday, May 2, 2011

What a weekend!

I have just been part of a tiring, exciting, challenging and stirring weekend at YC Manitoba in Winnipeg, MB. Myself and 3 other adults were there at our You Matter! table handing out this year's free gift, which was a nylon frisbee with the words YOU MATTER! printed on them. ...And yes, some of the young men enjoyed throwing them – not sure if the leaders appreciated it quite as much. (smiles) However, the continued message we are communicating to the next generation is they matter to God and they matter to us.

The first year we were part of YC Manitoba we gave out pocket mirrors with the words YOU MATTER! printed on the mirrors. As we gave out those 1000 mirrors we said, “Every time you look into your mirror we want you to remember that you matter to God and you matter to us.” The second year we were there we gave out “goofy, guy pens” and the words YOU MATTER! were printed on the barrel of the pens. When we gave out the pens we said, “Everyone's unique and different and maybe even a little goofy, but we want you to remember that you matter to God and you matter to us.”

Here are a few quotes from this past weekend:

Guy #1 came up to us at the beginning of Friday evening and asked, “Where are the heads?” It took me a minute to follow his train of thought, but he was wanting to know where the goofy guy pens (with the silly bobble heads) were? I said, “Oh, we're giving out frisbees this year instead. So even when you playing and having fun we want you to remember you matter to God.” He said, “Oh cool!”

Teenage guy #2 said to us, “I still have my mirror from the last time I was here!”

One adult leader stopped by on Friday night and said, “I wanted to see what the You Matter people were giving out this year.”

It was a great weekend and we are looking forward to hearing more stories of how the message of YOU MATTER! has stirred the lives of individuals!

I'll post pictures and more stories tomorrow.


Unmovable in Christ

From the windows of my home I have always been able to see and live close to these amazing trees. They're about 5 stories high and have been there since before my father was born. As a child I remember swinging on tire swings and enjoying the cool shade that they offered. They seemed completely unmovable and served as almost a monument in the area. About 3 years ago we experienced tornado like weather that lasted through the night. When everyone awoke the next morning we were saddened to find buildings destroyed, vehicles damaged.......and 5 of the large unmovable trees uprooted....and broken apart like sticks. Thank God no one was hurt. The lesson was stunningly real, the things that appear the most unmovable can very easily be brought down.
John 15 speaks of this so clearly regarding remaining unmovable in Christ...”remain in me and I will remain in you, no branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine...apart from me you can do one another as I have loved did not chose me, but I chose you.”

Its easy in day to day life to push the most important thing aside....spending time with Jesus....protecting and growing daily in our walk with Him is essential. No matter how strong in your faith you have been in the past or how strong you feel today we can still be easily uprooted and taken down by things in our everyday life. In growing as a woman of influence I encourage you...the days where you feel tempted to step away from the Word or to not spend time in prayer for whatever reason, choose not to!
A close friend of mine whose faith (in my opinion) is unmovable once said this to me....." I am not a rock Mary, I bend and I wither and grow new life again....I am praying that I am like a tree with deep and nourished roots...that way when the storms of life come the bendable vulnerability in me remains and the deeps roots keep me from being torn apart by the slightest storm."
This is a desire of my be a real woman whose living life with its war and peace filled moments allowing myself to be bendable and vulnerable.......and yet to also have roots so deep in Christ that no matter what is happening around me.... even slowly in my day to day that I would remain unmovable because of HIM.

"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that WHEN the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the shoes of the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD. And pray in the spirit on all occasions, with kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Eph. 6 10-18

Friend I am praying for you as you’re on your daily journey with Him, I pray He would continue daily to give you more wisdom and revelation of Himself, that you may know Him more*
