Hopefully this statement will not
elicit any hate mail: I miss back to school shopping! There just
always seemed to be something hope-filled about the beginning of a
new school year.
Pencil crayons all sharpened
neatly…pencils, eraser ,pens (two blue, one red),…names neatly
printed on new notebooks…clean binders free of “art work”…
Thinking back to my own school days and
my own preparations as each school year approached, I remember the
promise, the anticipation. that this year I was going to do it right.
With each notebook that I carefully labelled with my name was a
promise to myself that this year every entry would be neat,
orderly…the very best.
Usually though, that extra neat plan
didn’t make it past the first week! Never the plan, but often the
reality, that perfect notebook would have to be next year’s goal.
An added trauma was to use a pen rather
than a pencil. With a pencil, there was at least a hope of correcting
mistakes neatly. Pen mistakes – no chance! Did you ever work so
hard to erase a mistake that you ended up with a hole in your paper?
No hiding that!
Teachers must have tired of the hole in
the paper scenario as well. Some instructed that a single line should
be drawn through the error – leaving your mistake on
display…forever a part of the assignment.
Does that feel like a picture of your
life? Mistakes clearly on display? Mistakes made worse by your own
attempts to fix things…leaving you broken…damaged…rubbed raw….
Sometimes we long for a “back to
school” kind of chance…a chance to start with a clean slate.
We have all been there. We are all
there. In varying degrees, at various times, we all mess
Listen to the writer of Lamentations: “I remember my affliction and my
wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my
soul is downcast within me.” (3:19, 20)
Been there? That place of remembering
that is only remorse…that place of wondering if we have reached the
end of forgiveness…the end of new beginnings.
Don’t stop there! Don’t stay there!
The writer of Lamentations continues: “Yet this I call to mind and
therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not
consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.” (3:21-23)
“Yet this I call to mind”… remind
yourself…remind each other…there is mercy…there is
compassion…because of God’s great love, the mercy does not run
“New every morning”…always
It is not about you starting a new day,
a new month, a new year, and somehow determining to get it right this
time. If it was about us, we would be consumed! It is about God…His
mercy…His faithfulness…His great love for you!