You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
Don't be afraid of missing out. You're my dearest friends!
The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself.
Taken from Simple Gifts: Treasures for a Mother's Heart Calendar
God's Word instructs us to hold every thought captive. God wants to bless us, provide for us and inspire us. How are you doing with your daily quiet time these days? I love the word picture above of "steeping myself in God-reality". I love my daily quiet time - I can get so involved in my reading, studying and praying that I don't want it to end. I feel steeped myself: fired up and infused with the aroma of His wisdom in the Word. I am repeatedly so humbled how timely His Word is, how tenderly He guides me, lighting my path with inspiration and creativity. The practice never comes up void!
Are you drinking deeply in His Word? Are you struggling? Are you complacent? What if you could live beyond your circumstances? You CAN! Get in the Word, get equipped, grab a girlfriend and have fun sharing what you are learning with each other. Then, get'll receive in ways you cannot even imagine. Are you ready?
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