Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sometimes Life Happens

Sometimes, life happens...and that's why I didn't write last week.  What a day!  What a happy day!

It started in day light and we were all filled with eager excitement.  After all, as an old Scottish poem quotes: " There is no greater miracle than this:  The Quickening of flesh within the womb."

As the hours went on, the sobering reality of the pain set in and it would appear that this calling to birth a precious baby is powerful enough to almost reshape a cup.

Each contraction brings another wave of intense pain and concentration on the task at hand and the mercy of a God Who saves and redeems all for good!
It is hard work!  I look over at her husband, seeing his torn face, feeling so helpless and listen to his encouragement for her and love in every glance as he replenishes her drink and rubs her back and holds her hand and rocks with her as she labours on in love...

 For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him:  Samuel 1:27

When it comes time to finally push  - oh the pressure, the breaking and moving of bone and joint within to enable this precious gift to be born... The quiet surrounds us all as we focus on her every breath... and effort... and glance.   Time stops.   Love waits.   And then, with a blast of trumpets, she is born!  Beautiful and whole!  Praises ring!  Job well done!  The prize...

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!   Psalm 127:3

And our Christian walk, when things get tense and tough and we are pressed, where is our focus?  Are we believing for good?  Trusting, knowing that this trying wave of pain will pass.  We too, need not labour/toil in vain, discouraged and distraught.  Mighty is our God who saves us - no, not from the pain of our present - but for the building of our future!   Rejoice!  The trumpet sounds!  Victory is within your grasp!

Here is ours. Our two grandchildren:

Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged. (Proverbs 17:6)

Hallelujah!  God is good!  My prayer for them today, as Paul's was once for Timothy..

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.
2 Timothy 1:5

May they long for and seek spiritual milk their whole lives through!

Press in and press on!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The little things

The beauty of God's creation is all around us. How many days go by without us taking the time to stop and admire it? I'm sure we've all heard the phrase, 'take time to stop and smell the roses'. What does that mean in the middle of the winter when it's -35C? Do we need to go to the florist everyday, or only live where roses bloom year-round?  I think it means we need to intentionally take time and moments throughout our days to savour and admire the little things in life. The simple giggle of a little child, the beauty of the ruggedness in nature, the smell of spring, the softness of a baby kitten, the taste of a sweet strawberry picked from the plant. It's when those little things are no longer available that we tend to realize how significant they are and how much we miss them.

I love the full moon. I like how big it is and how it lights my path in the night. However when the sky is dark because it's a new moon, I can tilt my head back and see the millions of stars twinkling and lighting up the night sky. It's fascinating to me that the same stars and moon I can see in my night sky can also be seen on the other side of the world by my friends - it helps to bridge the gap.

When troubles and everyday issues feel overwhelming it good to take the simple everyday things and remind ourselves that the same God who placed the stars and moon in the sky is the same God who walks through our challenging day with us. Maybe we need to be more intentional and find little things in our days to remind us that the same God who created the mountains and the hummingbirds, the waterfalls and the waterlilies, the lion and the fawn is the same God who created you and cares about the moments in your day.

Mt. 10:31 “So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Recieving the right answer

This week during my travels I have been searching for an answer. I have been praying, and many other things to avail myself completely to hear God's voice even more.

1 John 3. 21-22 says: "....we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask, because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him."

For many years I thought "Hey, if I just try to stay squeaky clean and as perfect and I can, God will answer all my prayers exactly how I want them to be answered"!!!
Thank God for giving us the ability to grow in Him! To understand exactly what He is saying and what His truth really means.
Daily I am learning and relearning that I am not enough, perfect enough or good ever. Only by the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ can anything come to be. Amen. Only through that I gain true understanding of His Word and so I can live accordingly through it. Right alongside much of my life I view things a certain way, a way that I want them to be viewed. I find myself praying this way also.
It can be easily confused when we say “if we just obey the Word as close as we can and spend more time praying God will answer my prayer the I want it answered......”

There’s a direct connection between obedience and getting your prayers answered. Don't keep telling God what you want, without asking Him what he wants.

Only when we truly give our cry and heart to God and say "Whatever you want for this situation, make my heart aligned with it. Whatever your answer is I want to want that also. Here is what I am asking you for......but make my heart at peace with your desire.” That is when we experience God's amazing peace and strength to face what’s ahead...even if the decision is not what you had hoped it would be.

He really knows best. Remember, God sees the bigger picture. Right now in my life, I am learning this SO VIVIDLY. Today whatever you're praying and believing Him for, I stand with you. It is my prayer for you that God's desire and direction would be at the forefront of your prayer and through that you will have His perfect peace....He always gives an answer, even if it feels like the wrong one, trust Him...He really knows what He's doing*


Monday, March 21, 2011

The picture of a carving

Many years ago, in the place where I was working, someone left a little laminated card, a tract, with a picture of a carving of a hand and a child nestled into the hand. The following verse was written beside the picture, “See! I will not forget you... I have carved you on the palm of my hand.” I never thought leaving a tract was the best way to witness to someone, it just never seemed personal enough, however when I walked into the room that day and saw this card and verse; it spoke volumes to me. Then, and even to this day, and I felt like it was left on top of the furniture specifically for me. I committed my life to the Lord years before I found this card, but the words and message were very personal to me. It was a reminder of how the Lord was caring for me. He had safely carved me into the palm of His hand. It took a long time to fully grasp what that meant and at times, even today, I still need to be reminded of the message.

Sometimes things happen in life and it's difficult to answer the question 'why', but this said to me I was significant and valued and important. For many years I couldn't answer the question 'why', but I was comforted by the picture of my Heavenly Father cradling me in the palm of His right hand.

To this day I still have that tract stuck in the corner of the mirror in our bedroom. It reminds me that even when I didn't have any answers I wasn't unnoticed by the One who created me. Over the years I have learned that I am treasured and valued and I matter to my Heavenly Father.

Oftentimes we never know the impact we will have on another person... even 27+ years later. A smile, a kind, encouraging word, a message in someone's inbox, and note in the mail, an understanding nod. Sometimes we never know the impact a tract left on the dresser of a motel room will have on a young persons perspective and outlook on life. This is my prayer; Lord, use me today to lighten someone's step and everyday help me to be sensitive to your leading.

Isaiah 49:15b-16a (Amplified Bible)
Yes, they may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands.”


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Simple Connection

Every day I feel the challenge to live meaningful, intentional days. Whether its work, things happening inside the home or relationships. The more I study the Word, the more I am encouraged as I read scriptures that confirm this on so many levels...yet they also remove me from the stress of creating results. I am learning these days to prioritize my life more and in that its easier to be intentional (makes for some of us, this can be a challenge;). Follow through is often difficult when you throw everyday, busy life in the mix, I find some days I dont have enough time to get everything done that I need to.
Its my prayer and challenge to myself that I would grow in this area of my life. I am super Im sure you find yourself to be as well. However I think as we intentionally create room in our lives for meaningful can be a quick covo with your starbucks barista or an encouraging word to a co-worker...maybe as simple as an extra kiss to your special someone. Its doesn’t have to be long and drawn out....just a moment or two will make it count.
The results are not up to me (thank God!!) Its ALL ABOUT the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ alive and well IN YOU!! When people have a moment to meet with that, the results will be life altering because of Him. You never know when you've take a moment or two in someone’s day to say "You Matter" enough to me to intentionally connect with, that says more than money or any material thing anyone could posses.....whether is the heart of a women God has crossed your day with or your husband that you're struggling to connect with.

As you face the challenge of meaningful and intentional everyday life I pray, as God brings people through your day that you would experience HIS powerful transformation in and through your life.
You're not responsible for the results....just to be yourself and through HIS power...willing to connect*

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How well do you know Him?

Lent brings back a flood of memories for me...40 days of focus on HIM.  You know who I mean, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  While many then and now focus on taking away something in their lives, like coffee, soda or chocolate;  I prefer to *add* to my life, walking in the abundance He has so graciously granted me.  This has become more meaningful to me than "giving something up in the name of Lenten tradition".  I loved it when someone suggested to me to see what I could grow or nurture during this time frame - what could use my attention, I would ask myself?  Forty days of focus.

So it began, a dedication to an even deeper pursuit of God - up close and personal.  Forty days of committed, relentless pursuit.  Fanciful and free in His presence.  I want to walk victoriously through this life with the proper perspective on my desires.  Each year, I have had the privilege of looking deeply into different relationships I have, roles that I play and character I seek to deepen - all chasing God's heart, His desire for it's fulfillment.  To do this, I need to know, really understand my God, Source of my ability to nurture myself and others. 

Do you know His favorite things?  How about the things that give Him joy or sorrow?  What aroma pleases Him?  Do you know what He wants from you?  What is He speaking into your life right now?  Slow down, really listen.

My days are so much richer when they are filled with love, joy, peace and fulfillment with time well spent.  What are His thoughts on this?  His design?  Applying this pursuit has made my life richer, fuller, brought contentment.  YES! Contentment in the pursuit of something - crazy, isn't it, that pusuit would bring contentment.  But God... (two very powerful words)

... but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
Daniel 11:32

Would you join me this Lenten season and dig a little deeper into His Word and Person, so that when Resurrection Day comes, you will really know this Man and His Father and His Spirit and His will for you so that we can joyfully proclaim, He has risen indeed!  Moreover, we will have an even deeper, richer relationship with our Creator evidenced in our lives, the only Bible some will ever read.

Living wholeheartedly,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Questions from my heart

What if we really allowed ourselves to feel the full impact of our feelings? The hurt, pain, disappointment, frustration, anger etc. of our own actions? Instead of getting angry to avoid the hurt or blaming someone else, what if we just allowed ourselves to FEEL the hurt? Would that be too overwhelming? Would it be too difficult to get in touch with what we are truly feeling? Would it or could it, cause us to fall at the feet of our Saviour? To comfort us, to convict us, to care for us, to challenge us...
What if we fell at our Saviour's feet feeling the full impact of our decisions and choices and/or the decisions and choices of others around us? Would we feel a glimpse of what Jesus felt carrying His cross? Would we get a glimpse of what Jesus saw in the hearts of those around Him? Would our hearts cry out for redemption from the only One who can redeem us? Do we avoid looking in the mirror because of the reality of what we will see? What will it take for us to see our sin for what it is, to look it fully in the face and then turn into the arms of the only One who has taken our sins upon Himself so we can have full access to our Heavenly Father?
If my sin is keeping me from Jesus, then have I truly embraced/received/believed what was given on the cross for me? Oh Lord, help me to completely grasp the gift you have given for me. Help me to walk in daily freedom that my sins have been forgiven and there is nothing I can do to wipe the slate clean or to make up for what I've done. Help me to live each day like MY Saviour gave His life in place of me as I humbly go to my knees receiving that sacred and precious gift.
Anne Voskamp from her blog Mar. 9/11
Grief is what cultivates the soil for the seeds of joy. She who knows her sins much, loves much, and the road to heaven is paved with the realization that I deserve hell. His rising will be all my joy, because I know it my bowels: He is all my hope.”

Romans 5:8
But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us”

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Genuine Influence

Lately I found myself spending time with someone who has without realizing it...strongly influenced my life. I haven't known them very long, but already I can see in myself wanting to become more like them. It’s not anything super big, it’s how they live their every day. Deeply and genuinely connected and growing in Christ, respecting the lives of those around them and making a conscious effort to speak positively into those they come into contact with. Whether its a family member or a store clerk, the approach is the same.
In knowing that we are women of influence, I find myself often reflecting on "how my influence is affecting the lives of those around me."
This friend has shown me through their own life how when we guard our hearts and grow in Christ daily ourselves that is the only way we can have a lasting and real influence on the lives of those around us. Its true I have known this almost my whole life, but when someone demonstrates it and doesn’t even realize they are....that’s just a beautiful living proof of God's transforming power...and influence on someone’s heart and life. I pray today that you would also see this in the people you're spending time with...and you yourself would be influenced to be more like Christ*

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." Romans 12.2

"...for you, continue in what you have learned.....because you know those from whom you have learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that we maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3. 14-17


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I've been reflecting on change and it's affect on our lives and our power to influence those around us.  I truly believe that our attitudes shape and create our reality.  We are a victim - only if we allow or perceive ourselves as having been victimized in a situation.  Even the most painful of circumstances/events can be used for good with a broader viewpoint.

Having said that, what if we adopted our viewpoint on change as being a necessary component in our lives, to ensure that we explore and reach our full potential?

Our lives are a journey.  We choose what we will pack along for the ride, the stops we take along the way and our final destination.  Our choices matter.  What and whom we allow to influence us matters.  You are a woman of value.  You are a child of the King.  You deserve the very best!  My question for today is:  What do you need to consider changing to maximize your influence or to grow in your faith?  What might you need to realign to accomplish your purpose, goals and dreams?

Small changes makes for big affects!  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

Can't think of where to begin?  Consider what God's Word suggests in Ephesians 4:21-32 (NLT)

"Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him,  throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
 So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body. And “don’t sin by letting anger control you." Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.  If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need. Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

Praying you all nibble away at your calling and use your power to influence for, with and because, He lives in you!


Monday, March 7, 2011


Sometimes I feel stirrings, or a nervous excitement, about what God is going to do. I don't know if you can relate to this or not, but these days I'm feeling stirred... and on many levels. I'm not sure what it might look like... or when... or how I might be involved... but it excites me. I long to be used by God. Whether that's in the big things (world-changing moments) or the little things (the everyday snippets in life) I want to be willing and able to represent the Lord well in all I say and do.

So when the Lord nudges us to give more, to go farther, to wait longer, to pray more (and more specifically) are we? Do we? Will we? Let me encourage you to act on what the Lord is saying. Make sure you aren't racing along in your everyday lives, and in so doing you miss the Lord's nudges or stirrings in your heart. He's talking to us, but are we listening to Him? Really listening? Are we willing to wait when He says wait? Are we willing to go when He says go? Are we willing to give when He says give? Are we willing to be obedient when He tells us what to do?

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”  Is. 30:21

Amen and amen.  Let it be so!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Note for thought*

Its been another exciting week. God is doing such unique things in women's lives all over. I just wanted to encourage you today in your own walk and daily life.....God is doing something in your life too...whatever dreams He has planted deep in your heart. Perhaps you're not seeing it in full yet or maybe you are....but its an exciting time to embrace every moment and TRUST the Father for His timing, wisdom and direction.
This verse always speaks to me, no matter what season I find my own life in. I pray today that it would be a source of encouragement for you today as well!!

"Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him." Isaiah 64. 4


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rest for the weary.

My Mom spoils me with love and attention...still.  Even at my worst - sick.  Even from afar...hours away.  I love that about her!

Like many around me, and maybe you too, I fell sick this past weekend and was reminded just how much I rely upon my high energy bank and wellness.  With all this new-found time on my hands, I pondered rest and indulged in plenty of it too ;-)  My head ached, I was sneezing, coughing, craving relief.   Now, don't get me wrong, I know there are plenty of people (some I am very specifically praying for) suffering from far worse afflictions than the common cold, but I'm just being real - being any kind of sick is no fun!  Back to talking with my Mom...she shared with me that when I was little I would tell her how much I loved being sick, because of the extra attention she gave me.  Frankly, that made me laugh - now, I would just as soon be left alone for a day or two to recoup and pick up where I left off before proceeding full steam ahead!

That made me think about our relationship with God.  Do we push away or draw near when we're depleated?

 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matthew 11:28-30 (Msg)

I enjoyed the quiet my family provided for me to rest and recoup.  My husband spoils me too!  Being sick gave me time to reflect on resting versus being still.  I had a very busy few weeks prior to wearing down and falling ill - perhaps if I had taken more time to really be still - maybe I would have been healthy?  No matter, we wrestled it all down, God and I; and it was a time of real refreshing.  I was thankful for the stolen moments to rest and pray and reflect. Now, I'm back to making sure I take even more time to be still, when I am at my busiest.  Know what?  I can accomplish even more with less!  More of You Lord, less of me.  What a wonderful God we serve!

Living lighter,