Monday, March 14, 2011

Questions from my heart

What if we really allowed ourselves to feel the full impact of our feelings? The hurt, pain, disappointment, frustration, anger etc. of our own actions? Instead of getting angry to avoid the hurt or blaming someone else, what if we just allowed ourselves to FEEL the hurt? Would that be too overwhelming? Would it be too difficult to get in touch with what we are truly feeling? Would it or could it, cause us to fall at the feet of our Saviour? To comfort us, to convict us, to care for us, to challenge us...
What if we fell at our Saviour's feet feeling the full impact of our decisions and choices and/or the decisions and choices of others around us? Would we feel a glimpse of what Jesus felt carrying His cross? Would we get a glimpse of what Jesus saw in the hearts of those around Him? Would our hearts cry out for redemption from the only One who can redeem us? Do we avoid looking in the mirror because of the reality of what we will see? What will it take for us to see our sin for what it is, to look it fully in the face and then turn into the arms of the only One who has taken our sins upon Himself so we can have full access to our Heavenly Father?
If my sin is keeping me from Jesus, then have I truly embraced/received/believed what was given on the cross for me? Oh Lord, help me to completely grasp the gift you have given for me. Help me to walk in daily freedom that my sins have been forgiven and there is nothing I can do to wipe the slate clean or to make up for what I've done. Help me to live each day like MY Saviour gave His life in place of me as I humbly go to my knees receiving that sacred and precious gift.
Anne Voskamp from her blog Mar. 9/11
Grief is what cultivates the soil for the seeds of joy. She who knows her sins much, loves much, and the road to heaven is paved with the realization that I deserve hell. His rising will be all my joy, because I know it my bowels: He is all my hope.”

Romans 5:8
But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us”

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