Wednesday, April 13, 2011

He knows your name

Indulge me, and listen to this link would you?  Enjoy a moment in His presence as you read...

Yes, He knows your name - and now, we have had a glimpse of your faces and tender spirit and so ~you~ are now engraved upon our hearts, Kenora ladies!

What a glorious weekend of refreshing, firmly in His embrace!  Comforted, challenged and commissioned to leave the old behind and walk in His love as salt and light - not striving but "being" extraordinary - just whom He created.  We are daughters of the Most High.  He created us with a plan and a purpose to reach the world with the greatest message of all time. He wants us to do so, complete in Him (Colossians 2:9-10)

You are called to be radical!  Outrageous!  Contagious for Christ!  Forsaking all I trust him - a fabulous acronym for FAITH.  Rise up, rise up!  With God at the center and no matter what you face; the truth is that He Who lives in you is greater than he that lives in the world.  (1John 4:4)  A beautiful life is lived with arms wide open, no wasted emotion, practicing contentment, choosing joy, and living life passionately, consumed with enthusiastic purpose.

And, when, all this seems to be asking too much - sit at His feet and lift up your face.  After all, He knows your name, every thought and hears you when you call!  Where are you at in your relationship with Him really?  How well do you know Him? 

When we, as ministry team, reflected upon the opportunity of having connected with some of you ladies, we marvelled at how much more personal our blogging would become - simply because we had a chance for a more intimate connection.  My, how our Heavenly Father must long for that too....

Press in, press on!

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