Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Count your blessings

Oh LORD, my God, you have performed many wonders for us. 
Your plans for us are too numerous to list.
You have no equal.
If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds,
I would never come to the end of them.                    Psalm 40:5

So many times in my life I have had the privilege of standing in awe of what God is doing.  Sometimes it is in happening in other's lives (watching them grow, have personal victory, unexpected blessings, situations turn around etc.) and sometimes in my own.  It seems that lately I am all the more aware of His work and my heart swells with thanksgiving, worship and praise! 

Mountain moments are quite wonderful aren't they?  They are gifts to savour and enjoy.  The reality is, that to comprehend the vastness of mountains, you need to be aware that valleys exist.  But our altitude need not determine our attitude.  Balance comes from a disciplined countenance.  His Word promises us joy in the morning.  You'll find it in Luke 6 after Jesus comes down from time set apart to pray on the mountain.  People came from everywhere to touch Him for healing of all sorts.  Then he spoke these words (excerpt from the Message Bible):

   You're blessed when you've lost it all.
   God's kingdom is there for the finding.
   You're blessed when you're ravenously hungry.
   Then you're ready for the Messianic meal.

   You're blessed when the tears flow freely.
   Joy comes with the morning.

Do you see what I see?  We ARE blessed amidst loss, hunger, tears...whatever the cause.  There is release, hope and blessing RIGHT where you are.  The joy comes next.  So, if you are not "feeling" it yet, despair not.  The blessing is there.  Are you looking for it?  Seek and you shall find.

I have found it helpful over the years to journal or at least think and be in prayerful thanksgiving for at least three things every day.  This has helped me change my feelings of despair more than once.  I want to encourage you to keep a running list of blessings and answered prayer.  For a young mom, it might be a night of undisturbed sleep or for a business woman it may be a favoured parking spot ready and waiting that day.  No matter how big or small, it will be a collection of God's faithfulness and reminder that your Heavenly Father cares about you!  Remember the song you learned as a child..."Count your blessings, name them one by one.  Count your blessings see what God has done..."

Press in and press on!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Be Still

As school is winding down and summer is winding up I am once again reminded of a simple yet profound verse from the Bible. Ps. 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Personally, life's been pretty busy on a few too many levels the past number of weeks and I am challenged with this verse. It's difficult to for me to feel “still” in the midst of such busyness. I am in the process of intentionally making some adjustments so I can slow down, realign, readjust and get some perspective. Sometimes life happens at a hectic pace and we need to deliberately stop and put a few things in order in the midst of the chaos around us.

When we can stop and take some time to be still, then we can hear the whisper of His voice -- Be Still . . ., that is when we can be reminded that -- He is God . . . God and only God will be exalted among the nations and in the earth!

Everything needs to fall under and be realigned with these statements. All of the anxiety, all of the commotion, all of the uncertainty . . . Because He is God and He will be exalted among the nations!

I hope and pray you intentionally set aside time to reflect and savour this verse.

Enjoy the coming weeks!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Your season of adventure

The summer season is a great time to unleash adventure and new opportunities to explore the world around us...even if its not too far away. For me right now I am living through a season of adventure....with work, one of my two companies is in transition out of my life and I'm walking with alot of prayer with advancement into my other company. It is an exciting time! I am terrified! lol.
Relationally I am on an exciting and blessed journey that just keeps getting more incredible as the months grow....its also become more involved and is challenging me to be more vulnerable. Again exciting, but terrifying at the same time.

One of the books of the Bible that is very close to my heart is Isaiah.
In Isaiah 42.16 the Word says: "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them."

In the last six months I have felt this verse and many others carrying me through prayer times and stress filled weeks. The Word...the living Word builds us up to inspire and encourage and enable us to keep going through.
Whatever exciting and terrifying adventure you find yourself on this summer....God creates us to live through them, every emotion and experience. He is there giving us what we need and saving us when it looks and feels like we're going to fall off the mountain climb...or when things get intense as your business is growing;)

Continue to go to Him for the shelter and respite you need as you're engaging and living through your adventure...and He will keep taking you through the exciting life He created you for and you’ll keep living every moment*


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


A song to listen to as you read...

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:5

This has been the prayer of my heart for all my children.  So much so, that we committed to school our children at home. We always approached learning as fun and explorative together, always within a biblical worldview.  It has been an honor to be present for the "aha moments" all these years for all 5 of our children during their primary education.  It has been a challenge to wrestle through the difficult concepts, differing opinions and social challenges of this calling.  Yet, I'm so thankful for the opportunity and desire to run this race. 

Let's compare our form of education to Jesus' for a moment as in the book, Twelve Ordinary Men.  "Jesus discipled the twelve, taught and then released them.  They listened to Jesus, asked Him questions, watched how he dealt with people and enjoyed an intimate fellowship with Him in every setting He encountered.  He encouraged them, lovingly corrected them and patiently instructed them.  It wasn't just information passed on, it was one's life invested in another."  Relationship.  We too, have learned so much more than just book work.

It is exciting to be at the point where we celebrate the accomplishment and the commission of another child.  We pray that His Holy Breath may enflame this new graduate's commencement into this new phase of life.  No matter what profession he may end up pursuing, we know that on this day, we are definately sending him out as a teacher - an example of our witness to others, teacher to our grandchildren and great grandchildren (whether they personally home educate or not) and will know all the years, tears and prayer we poured into his life will prepare him for whatever God has for him as he moves forward.

Josh, my son, we are so proud of who you are.  As we turn to celebrate this rite of passage, we are reminded of God's faithfulness and are in awe of how He directed your education, events and people who also participated along the way.   I am humbled by the fact that inspite of my shortcomings, we have been so blessed.  Remember Proverbs 9:10:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

and Proverbs 24:3-4:

By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established, by knowledge it's rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

With a thankful heart, we look ahead with faith and want you to know how much we love you and wish you the richest of treasure and blessing in the days and experiences to come.

Press in and Press on my child, love Mom.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Don't Judge

I was sitting in church observing an individual and if I'm really honest I was making a judgement based on what I was observing. After a few minutes I thought, “That's their 'normal' and who am I to judge that?” As I watched them talk to others sitting with them I thought, “Maybe they are in the process of giving their life to the Lord. Or maybe they have just recently given their heart and life to the Lord.”

Many years ago there was a saying, “Get them saved, then shaved.” For some people, and in some churches, it should have said, “Get them shaved, then saved.”

If we're really honest with ourselves we want others to change on the outside before we even know if God has changed them on the inside. If we will be patient and let God be God, He will love, convict, challenge and speak clearly about what He wants them to change. Personally, I think we often want an individual to change because of our comfort level... or should I say our discomfort.

As I watched this individual dab at tears throughout the service I thought, “I think God is at work here talking to their heart, and who am I to tell God what order things need to be changed.” So in the meantime I'll continue to pray, for the individual and for those around them whom God has been using to speak truth into their life. As I sat with all of this running through my mind I was reminded of the following scripture. Matthew 7:1-2 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

I'm also reminded of Gal. 5:19-21 which says, “When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarrelling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” Don't skip over the words in the middle of the list which are sins many of us tend to excuse such as anger, jealousy and discord. God's not talking to someone else in this scripture. He's talking to each of us. Take a good hard look at what's in your heart and deal with those areas.

In my observation of this individual from Sunday they needed to work on the outside as well as the inside. But what about us who have committed our life to Jesus many years ago but we make excuses and sometimes even embrace our sins? Are we really any different than this individual who was sitting near me on Sunday? They seem willing to change. Are we? Am I?

1 Samuel 16:7
says, “But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'”


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hi speed connection

As much as I love my cell phone... which I have come to depend on for both work and general use, its now appearing to show signs of severe use. I am not receiving texts or voicemails....however apparently I am sending already sent texts and calling people without touching my phone (and its a flip phone too) I so deeply apologize if you were the one my phone "called" at 3 am this week. I need an upgrade!
As my frustration the last little while has been building, I still had yet to go down and replace my slowly dying, but essential communication device.
In my own prayer life, I know sometimes, alot of times it feels like that. Like my communication went all crazy and what I was praying about for a certain person didn't happen, but it happened for someone who I wasn't even praying for. In my own life, I can think of times where I was asking God for a specific thing, only to hear from several others around me that they were walking in what I was I was praying for...while I still sat praying....and sometimes eventually I would end up giving up.
God hears our prayers, all of them....but the more I studied the Word the more I found that repentance and obedience are very important to God. In obedience, the Word tells me to pray. When I am praying in accordance with God's will...through praying scripture, asking God to align my heart with His will and to give me the grace to walk through His answer....I see a change in my communication. In repentance we acknowledge how much we need God. Its not about me...or earning my way to God...its not about how "I" do prayer, its about how God designed prayer to be and applying that into my everyday life. Without HIM nothing will change or be brought to life, and Hes given us the instructions on how to walk in it best.
Psalm 44.3 says: “It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm and the light of your face, for you LOVED them.

He LOVES us so much....He loves us so much that He intentionally created a way for prayer to connect us to HIM. Its like when you’re with a special person in your life and you want to connect with them in a way that they receive it best.
When our hearts are submitted to Him in repentance and obedience we can and do receive the grace to walk through the answer that He has given. This does not mean that our prayer will have the answer that we were originally hoping for, but the beauty of praying in accordance with God's will is our hearts, my heart is changed in the process. He receives all the glory and we....have a greater understanding of who He is and walk in His fullness. When the connection is right it transforms nations (because its not about anything we can produce)!! I encourage you today, God calls us to live active prayer lives...drawing us to know HIM more. He will show you how to upgrade your communication......unlike your cell service provider, (or my cell phone generally) you won't get God's "voicemail."


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ask. Receive. Move.

As this Father's Day approaches, I can't seem to get out of my head a very special purple winter coat from my past.  I was about 13 or 14 and my mom had told me it was time for a new coat and we were heading out shopping.  I determined in my mind that this was the trip when I would really get just what I wanted - not just any coat.  Something fashionable, that I knew I would love to wear each day.  We looked through rack after rack and store after store until we stumbled upon it.  The one that I ~had~ to have.  It was a beautiful, rich gem shade of purple, with lovely silk lining and styled just right - the only problem was it was way out of our family's price range - but I wouldn't give in.  No other coat would do and so we left; me distraught over not getting what I wanted and my mom perplexed that what I wanted seemed impossible and disappointed that I was so stubborn.  When we got home, she started to explain to dad what had happened.  I remember him looking at me, watching my reaction, listening to my mom - no doubt trying to figure out just what to do.  That day I won (honestly the only real "battle" I can recall over such a silly thing).  Dad agreed to get me the coat and I have to tell you I wore it for decades (probably long past fashionable) but to me that coat represented his support for me, how he loved me enough to be inconvenienced for a while, and that the joy it gave me mattered more to him than anything.  He wanted  to give me just what I wanted.  I never took that for granted.

I share this story to ask you: Do you know God as a loving Father?  The kind that is "for" you in all circumstances, that believes the best in you?  How precious that He is always close by, willing to provide direction and to be our Source of strength and encouragement.  Conversely, do you see Him as the earthly father you may have had that is impossible to please, condemning and uncaring?

Be careful what you believe.  Our heavenly Father wants a relationship with us that allows us to call on Him anytime - there's no detail too small - there's no need to go through anyone else or wait. Each of us is His favorite and we can get His attention anytime.

Even when we make mistakes, He may not like the path we choose - but He is our closest ally.  When others judge us, He sees us with a father's loving mercy and extends His grace.  When we do wrong, all we need to do is *ask* forgiveness, *receive* His mercy and *move* forward with our lives.  No matter what we have done, we are His.  He wants to pour truth into our lives and mold us and shape us in His image.  What an amazing gift!

As Father's Day approaches, paint a picture in your mind of the real, loving, saving, powerful God who desires you to run to Him so you can live:  free, strong, confident and secure with blessed assurance that you are His.

Luke 15:18 says "I will arise and go to my Father."

Press in and press on.
P.S. To my Daddy: Happy Father's Day.  Thank you for all you have taught me. 
To my Heavenly Father: Thank you for the cross.

The Father's Song

Monday, June 13, 2011

Disciple Making

I was at national meetings last week and one of our speakers, Dave Buehring, told us this story.

There was a teacher who, on the first day of class, told his students what his requirements for the course were. All they needed to do was attend all of the classes, do all of the required reading and there would be no other assignments other than one final exam. The students thought this sounded pretty good and settled into the class. The teacher said, “One more thing. You need to tell one person all you have learned.” The course progressed and it came time for the final exam. The teacher told the students they would not be taking the final exam, but the one whom they had been influencing would take the final exam for them and that it how they would receive their final mark.

True disciples of Jesus don't just put into practice what they have learned, but they teach the characteristics of Jesus to others and expect them to reproduce what they've learned as well. This thought has rattled around in my head and my heart since I heard it last week.  I am challenged about what am I passing along to those around me. Am I passing along biblical truths and God's character to others, or am I waiting for someone else to do that?

Matt. 28:18-20 says, “Jesus came and told his disciples, 'I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'”

"What is disciple making? It's reproducing the character, ways and mission of Jesus in those God brings around us expecting them to multiply the same in others.” Dave Buehring

Let me challenge you to intentionally teach, demonstrate and replicate to someone(s) how to be a true disciple and followers of Jesus, then have them intentionally do the same.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

When its hard

Its been a few years now, but I remember sitting in my dentist's office and him explaining to me how my wisdom teeth were not only slower to come in but completely defying all ways of coming in properly. He told me if I could withstand the pain, that if I let the two top ones grow (even thought they were coming in towards my cheeks) he'd just pull them instead of having to "dig" (horrible thought). Of course I was thinking "Well that sounds like the least painful, and plus think of the money I'd save..." so deciding to go that route, find myself now...three years later with my one tooth about to break through the more pain than I thought possible!!! Ha, I laughed at myself as I remember feeling so firm and confident about the decision in the moment, without truly knowing how it was going to all pan out.

I see so much of my life through this truth I’m experiencing. I really didn’t know what I was committing to when I committed, but this is the route I've taken. Seeing it through and seeing it through well is essential.
Its like when I work with client's on renovations. Usually at some point during the process, someone is ready to throw in vision and just forget it.....why?
Because its hard.
Life gets hard....the journey gets painful and the direction we're going down will hit some sort of painful, seemingly unable to overcome place. (My gums are screaming at this part). The point is, whether I had gotten them taken out years ago or waited like I have...there would have pain and it would have been hard for sure. Whatever direction your life is will hit those times, and if you just simply jump routes and start a new journey you'll eventually encounter the same thing, with that direction too.
Endurance....LIVING through those times is what makes it count. How do you do that!? ( How do I honestly live through the pain.....and yes Mary would really like to
There is NOTHING that compares to knowing Jesus. No matter the "unable to overcome" obstacle that’s happening in your life...the painful endurance.....He is there. He will walk with you and give you the grace to endure and the wisdom to see through, and also to see what is beyond. He will sooth and comfort and still be there after days or months of intense anger and frustration. (In my case, small doses of this pain relief gel, that freezes not only my tooth but my whole have been apart of  His grace to endure...although I’m talking alot less.)

I pray today that you would continue on your journey, and that if you are facing a really hard time in life, that you would keep going....keep walking with the Lord. The end result is so so worth it. Keep encouraging yourself in the Word, and don’t walk alone. Make sure you have another to walk alongside of you. Jesus longs to walk you through the seemingly unable to overcome times...He Himself did it also at the cross. Ask Him to give you the grace to walk through and be will see His transformation around and in you.
 When my clients continue the renovation to completion what joy there is....and how they talk about it after, as a time that they personally grew and changed, not just the atmosphere around them.
Christ is alive and well and His resurrecting power can or does live in you. Its all about His power in the time where we are completely powerless to save ourselves.....which honestly is all the time.

May His grace rest on you as you continue to walk the journey before you*


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Testing. Do not disturb.

I've been focusing my attention this past week on taking better care of my body by hydrating it more, controlling what I put in it and moving more :-).  Have you ever noticed that when you truly decide to try on a new attitude or practice a spiritual attribute a little more in your life, you seem tempted by old behaviour at every turn?

The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love Him with all your heart and with all your soul.  It is the Lord God you must follow, and Him you must revere.  Keep His commands and obey Him; serve Him; and hold fast to Him.
Deuteronomy 13:3-4

There is no doubt, that it is His work in us that stirs us to action.  Indeed, God's Word reveals to us that He tests us too.  We can be thankful for every moment we get another chance to follow Him wholeheartedly.  This testing is done in His love for us.  He desires to have our complete attention and commitment to keep His ways.  The Holy Spirit can strengthen us in our pursuit to live that life that honours Him at every turn.

Have you seen the movie, The Princess Diaries?  I love the words of wisdom from the father in that movie:  "From now on you will be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be.  The key is to allow yourself to make that journey."

What journey has He prepared for you today?  This week?  May we never take the easy way out, but instead purpose to draw our strength from Him in prayer and conviction.

Press in and press on!

Monday, June 6, 2011


We had such a great weekend in Thompson, MB at the “Women of Passionate Purpose” conference. The atmosphere of anticipation and excitement could be felt in the air and seen on the faces of the women as they ran through the rain to get inside the building on Friday evening. Whether we were sitting around the tables during the sessions or visiting downstairs at the spa, cafe or photo booth - we had a great weekend together! I loved watching the ladies connect with each other during the weekend. Kourtnay Kemsley spoke the message God planted in her heart many months ago about women living a life of passionate purpose. It was great to hear the word of God, to pray together and be challenged and spurred on to greater things.

Here are a few things I learned this weekend while in Thompson:
  • we weren't made to just exist; we were made for a purpose
  • God created us for a purpose and He can tell us what our purpose is
  • we have been designed to make a difference
  • we were created for God's glory
  • we were created to please God
  • we were created to be part of God's work
  • we were created to be in relationship with God
  • purpose produces passion
  • passion is defined as an intense emtion; compelling action

It is great to be part of what God is doing in the hearts and lives of the women across our district!


[P.S. I'd like to say a huge thank you to the many individuals who worked and served throughout the weekend. Well done good and faithful servants!]

Friday, June 3, 2011

A lover of the simple way

It is no secret that I am a huge believer and lover of "simple things." In fact there is a quote hanging over my bed that says "A great life isn't about great huge things, its about simple things that make a huge difference." In my work as a Decorator I see it so often in the form of updates, renovations and weekend projects. Sometimes all you need is to put a fresh coat of paint on, or instead of replacing your kitchen cabinetry, just replacing the handles. Replace your regular lighting switch with a dimmer (makes a HUGE difference for about $12.00).
Jesus is so beautiful in showing us the way. The simple details of life are important to Him. Its not just the huge, massive issues or world problems...He CARES about the simple day to day things in our lives. In this I find myself more and more drawn to Him and His heart. I can not help but be moved as He touches my small world and brings life, hope, wisdom ......not to mention every other day helps me find my car
Spending time everyday with Him is essential for our roots to remain strong and nourished. As we continue to see Him move and work in the simple things within our own much more that we would also be aware of the simple ways we can love and support those around us. Less is truly more in this area of life...we don't need the huge grand gesture...we just need someone to smile, a simple word or two of encouragement, a handwritten note....supporting each other in the small and more simpler of life’s experiences not only creates trust, but is living out more of Christ's character, through His power*

Blessings on your weekend!

For those of you who will be at our You Matter weekend in Thompson MB., we are so excited to connect with each one of you this weekend!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fresh starts!

So, who do you want to be?  Life really isn't about what you do - but who you are. 
The thing is, ~who~ you are impacts ~what~ you do and ~how~ you do it.

I want to challenge you to go grab a piece of paper right now and jot down a few phrases that express not only who you are right now, but who you hope to become.

Here are a few of mine:
*A woman that practices the presence of God in every moment and within all my affairs.
*Living my life in a Spirit of Prayer.
*Establish health and wellness within both my body and my soul.
*Raise godly children.
*Live every day jouyfully and enthusiastically, filled with hope and radiating Christ's love and grace.
*Work hard.
*Do my best.
*Live with a thankful heart.
*Minister under God's annointing.
and the list goes on...

So, tell me, are you excited about your list?  What if you conducted yourself accordingly?

Psalm 112:5 from The Message Bible:

    Hallelujah! Blessed man, blessed woman, who fear God,
   Who cherish and relish his commandments,
   Their children robust on the earth,
   And the homes of the upright—how blessed!
   Their houses brim with wealth
   And a generosity that never runs dry.
   Sunrise breaks through the darkness for good people—
   God's grace and mercy and justice!
   The good person is generous and lends lavishly;
   No shuffling or stumbling around for this one,
   But a sterling and solid and lasting reputation.
   Unfazed by rumor and gossip,
   Heart ready, trusting in God,
   Spirit firm, unperturbed,
   Ever blessed, relaxed among enemies,
   They lavish gifts on the poor—
   A generosity that goes on, and on, and on.

So, what has held you back from being this woman?  Is it a deep personal trauma, lack of support around you, lack of will power, shortage of faith or focus?  There is healing available when  we seek to find it and are willing to confront it and feel some pain - and then BURST through - beyond!
If I want to become this woman, then I know I must concentrate on balance - balance within me (mind, body, soul) and outside me (schedule, exercise, quiet time for Bible reading and journaling etc.).  There is no doubt that this will require effort and change; and ~that~ may be one of the biggest obstacles.  However, we know that
...with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26

Prayer is key - as is faith - but so too is ACTION!  Would you join me towards both prayer AND action today?  What can you do today to catapult yourself towards becoming that woman that longs to burst forth from your bossom - the one that God has been nudging forth?  Moreover, can you commit to doing it tomorrow and the days after that? 

Press in, press on.