Its been a few years now, but I remember sitting in my dentist's office and him explaining to me how my wisdom teeth were not only slower to come in but completely defying all ways of coming in properly. He told me if I could withstand the pain, that if I let the two top ones grow (even thought they were coming in towards my cheeks) he'd just pull them instead of having to "dig" (horrible thought). Of course I was thinking "Well that sounds like the least painful, and plus think of the money I'd save..." so deciding to go that route, find myself now...three years later with my one tooth about to break through the more pain than I thought possible!!! Ha, I laughed at myself as I remember feeling so firm and confident about the decision in the moment, without truly knowing how it was going to all pan out.
I see so much of my life through this truth I’m experiencing. I really didn’t know what I was committing to when I committed, but this is the route I've taken. Seeing it through and seeing it through well is essential.
Its like when I work with client's on renovations. Usually at some point during the process, someone is ready to throw in vision and just forget it.....why?
Because its hard.
Life gets hard....the journey gets painful and the direction we're going down will hit some sort of painful, seemingly unable to overcome place. (My gums are screaming at this part). The point is, whether I had gotten them taken out years ago or waited like I have...there would have pain and it would have been hard for sure. Whatever direction your life is will hit those times, and if you just simply jump routes and start a new journey you'll eventually encounter the same thing, with that direction too.
Endurance....LIVING through those times is what makes it count. How do you do that!? ( How do I honestly live through the pain.....and yes Mary would really like to
There is NOTHING that compares to knowing Jesus. No matter the "unable to overcome" obstacle that’s happening in your life...the painful endurance.....He is there. He will walk with you and give you the grace to endure and the wisdom to see through, and also to see what is beyond. He will sooth and comfort and still be there after days or months of intense anger and frustration. (In my case, small doses of this pain relief gel, that freezes not only my tooth but my whole have been apart of His grace to endure...although I’m talking alot less.)
I pray today that you would continue on your journey, and that if you are facing a really hard time in life, that you would keep going....keep walking with the Lord. The end result is so so worth it. Keep encouraging yourself in the Word, and don’t walk alone. Make sure you have another to walk alongside of you. Jesus longs to walk you through the seemingly unable to overcome times...He Himself did it also at the cross. Ask Him to give you the grace to walk through and be will see His transformation around and in you.
When my clients continue the renovation to completion what joy there is....and how they talk about it after, as a time that they personally grew and changed, not just the atmosphere around them.
Christ is alive and well and His resurrecting power can or does live in you. Its all about His power in the time where we are completely powerless to save ourselves.....which honestly is all the time.
May His grace rest on you as you continue to walk the journey before you*
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