Monday, July 11, 2011

Even the sparrows

Matthew 6:26-27 says, “Look at the birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they are. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not.”

A few days ago my husband and I were shown two baby birds who left the nest a little too early - they still couldn't fly yet. They were flapping their wings and hopping around but they weren't strong enough yet to actually fly. These two eager beavers jumped out of the nest before they were able to fly. Our good intentions to intervene and help them back failed when they just wouldn't stay in their nest. All the while the mother bird was chirping and swooping around the tree making sure her concern for her family was well known. After scratching our heads we decided to leave the baby birds alone, let nature take it's course, and in due time they will build up enough strength and fly like other birds.

Two things come to mind as I reflect on those baby birds. First, it is amazing how well they blended into their surroundings. I always find it amazing watching how well God created camouflage for the animals He created. Second, I am once again reminded of the verses in Matthew. If the Lord will take of these everyday birds, how much more does he take care of us. Worrying and stewing about the things concerning us won't 'add a single moment' to our lives.

Let me challenge you to take a step of faith and hand your situation to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to take care of the details. I have walked this road many times and it doesn't always get easier, but it is always best to hand our concerns to the Lord and leave the details in His hands. Waiting on God can sometimes be difficult however we need to remember that it's in His timing, not ours. We are limited by our finiteness but He is omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful) and omnipresent (everywhere at once). We need to remember that our perspective is not God's perspective. We are limited and He is not!

Each of us is valuable to our heavenly Father because He created us and He loves us.


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