Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Media and Generation i

iPad...iPhone...iPod or I AM?

Around our home these days there doesn't seem to be a day where we don't address social media, communication or media effects and ettiquette.  Multitasking these various devices has become almost a virtue for many.  I jokingly questioned one of my teenagers the other day as to where their fourth form of communication was (already on computer-reading and messaging, cell phone and watching tv) - but really it wasn't so funny when I realized that he was charging his iPod amidst having the conversation with me.  I admire their ability and mourn their future sanity. 

We feel very challenged in this relatively new realm.  Devices are plentiful and cleverly marketed.  To totally discard their use is not any better than enabling them to surrender completely.  However, there is no doubt that these tools and communication methods have affected our use of time, productivity, relationships and even our hearts.  Our lives are saturated with information, sounds and images.  Tim Challies' book, Life and Faith After the Digital Explosion goes so far as to say: "life is mediated by the screen".  Sad and true.

There's no doubt that times have changed.  We can carry access to the world in the palm of our hand.  Privacy, creativity, news have all been challenged by it.  My question today is:  So how do we use it?...for His kingdom?

In Hebrews we are reminded: Jesus is the same yesterday, today, forever.  We need to be giving God our quality and quantity time each day.  Are we?  How?

This past week, I participated in an interesting challenge on facebook:  to prove that people do care and really listen - even on that social medium.  I was floored by the response on and off line.  It is important to be yoked with people who also walk closely with God - on and off line.  We need people who will help us see truth about ourselves and our lives.  After all, we become like the friends we spend time with.

This would be a wonderful start to a conversation with coffee/tea in hand at retreat this fall at Elkhorn Resort.  We'd love to have you join us.  Don't forget early bird registration discounts are available until September 23.  More details can be found here:  Join us and go deeper in the journey.

You are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in Whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in Whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:19-22

Press in and press on,

Monday, August 29, 2011


Have you ever watched the news, read the paper or looked at the weather channel and felt overwhelmed? The definition for the word desperate is “overwhelmed with urgency and anxiety, to the point of losing hope”. That sounds like a pretty accurate definition for the dire circumstances we often hear about.
Have you ever been there? Feeling so desperate you don’t know which way to turn and you can barely cope with what’s happening around you. Have you ever felt out of control with no hope?

When we find ourselves in desperate situations we may say or do things we would never consider in other circumstances.  (Let me just say we need to be careful how we judge other people’s choices… especially when we don’t know or understand their desperation.) The lengths to which an addict will go to in order to get a fix, or the teenage girl to feel loved, or the guy to cover his insecurities or the family to receive money to buy food is often beyond our understanding.

My heart is grieved when I see the choices people make out of their desperation. I pray the answer to our overwhelming circumstances would be Jesus. Grab hold of His hand and hold on! I pray during our times of feeling at the end of our rope we would run into the arms of our Heavenly Father so we can let Him resolve it, be the miracle, be our Saviour.

I Pet. 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

For those have felt or currently are feeling like life is overwhelming and weighing you down let me remind you our Heavenly Father cares deeply for each and every situation you find yourself in and is waiting for you to come to Him. Mt. 11:28-30 says, “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” 


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Staying confident in the challenge

This summer has been one of change and challenges. I have been working through the challenges of transferring ownership of one of my companies to a new company as I am at the same time expanding my second company. Its an exciting season of change and new opportunities. I know God has open doors and timing which is always a unique balance of fear of failure and total excitement for what God`s going to do. Its easy in some moments to say how confident you are as you continue to trust God...but I find (as you might) that when faced with real challenges of the change in the can feel overwhelming and sometimes even paralyze you from moving forward.
When I stand daily on the Word I find that when those moments arise in my life......and especially this summer..I stand on the confidence that God keeps His Word. When He says: ``Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.`` When we pray asking God to align our hearts with His will before we walk into a crazy..exciting new season...the Word is living and God WILL honour His Word. I encourage you today if God is perhaps calling you into a new, exciting-totally scary can do anything in Christ that He is calling you to. Declare and stand on His Word!!!



Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Anyway" ... A Poem

I was reminded of this poem this past week and thought I would share it with you.  I hope, like me, it will remind you that the good fight is worth fighting.  Put on God's armour and let's pursue holiness together.

1. The version found written on the wall in Mother Teresa's home for children in Calcutta:
              People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.
            If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
            If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.
           If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.
            What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.
            If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
            The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.
         Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
         In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.
-this version is credited to Mother Teresa
2. The Original Version:
The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith
  1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
    Love them anyway.
  2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
    Do good anyway.
  3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
    Succeed anyway.
  4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
    Do good anyway.
  5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
    Be honest and frank anyway.
  6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
    Think big anyway.
  7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
    Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
  8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
    Build anyway.
  9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
    Help people anyway.
  10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
    Give the world the best you have anyway.
© 1968, 2001 Kent M. Keith
"The Paradoxical Commandments" were written by Kent M. Keith in 1968 as part of a booklet for student leaders.

Press in and press on,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Prayer and Pizza Crust

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess. 5:16-18

I don't think I need to make the case that a woman is a complex creation. Have you ever heard the saying, men are like waffles (they can compartmentalize things) and women are like spaghetti (everything is interwoven)? It appears many women can think about multiple things at once while folding the laundry, settling a fight, planning the next meal, all while carrying a baby on her hip!

Never underestimate the power of prayer!

As you are preparing your meal for friends and family don't forget to pray for that child, teenager, co-worker, etc who comes to mind. Maybe you've had a young lady at youth just down-load a significant amount of personal information. Not enough to call the authorities, but enough to keep you awake at night praying. Or perhaps it's the child from your neighbourhood who floats in and out of your mid-week kids outreach. They are desperately looking for someone to love and care for them and their face pops up while you are going about your day... wondering, praying, caring deeply.

As I was preparing supper the other day I was thinking about multiple things, one of which was healthy eating. If you're like me healthy eating feels like a never-ending battle – and I'm not winning! (5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day?! Really?!)

I've decided to share a recipe which I've adapted from Jean Pare's Company's Coming Breads Cookbook. Each time I make it seems to be slightly different, but here is the basic recipe with a few suggestions for some healthier choices.

Homemade Pizza Crust
3 cups white flour 
1 cup multigrain flour 
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons instant yeast
pinch of salt
1 ¾ cups warm water (drop water on inside of wrist and it should feel slightly warm)
6 tablespoons oil (canola oil)

Combine dry ingredients, then add warm water and oil to dry ingredients. Stir to combine wet and dry ingredients. (If slightly dry at 1 tablespoon warm water, if slightly wet at a pinch or two of flour.) Flour countertop and knead pizza dough for 5-7 min until smooth and elastic. (You may need to add a few pinches of flour as you are kneading if the dough is sticky.) Lightly flour counter and roll/cut dough to fit pizza pan or desired size. This recipe makes 2 cookie sheet/pizza pans, or 6-8 individual-sized (about 6”) pizzas (depending on the size and thickness of the crust.) Bake at 425F for about 8-9 min (until slightly brown on bottom). Cool shells. (The crusts can be frozen at this point for future use if preferred.) Then top pizza with desired sauce and toppings and bake again at 425F for 10-12 min or until brown and cheese is melted and beginning to turn golden brown. Let cooked pizza sit on cutting board for 3-5 min before cutting. Enjoy! You can always add a side salad to your pizza to add another serving of vegetables to your meal.

Pizza Sauce
tomato sauce
seasonings (I use basil, oregano, garlic powder, marjoram, pepper)

meat of choice (choose wisely to cut down of fatty cold cuts)
mozzarella cheese (low fat if desired)
chopped onions
green pepper
broccoli (I know! Sounds crazy but delicious!!!)

Use whatever toppings you like, but this is a great way to add more veggies for a healthier choice.

So the next time you are trying to decide what to make for supper.  Perhaps you can give this recipe a try and while you're kneading the pizza crust you can "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstance."


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I have confidence in sunshine....

I just love, Love, LOVE the musical, Sound of Music!  Lately, I have been thinking about what a confident woman looks like. In my mind's eye she walks with her head held high, a positive attitude and her spirit bright and light.  I would turn to Biblical mentors Esther, Ruth and Deborah. 

The Proverbs 31 model of a confident woman lives without fear, is well prepared, has a positive self image, and an abundance of grace.  All of this exemplifies a woman in/of peace to me.  So, how can we achieve this peace that surpasses understanding? 

1 John 2:28 says:
and now dear children, continue in Christ,
so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed
before Him at His coming.  

So, firstly we need to belong to Jesus, realizing that nothing we can do on our own can ever make ourselves good enough or righteous enough for God.  Secondly, we need to walk with Him.  That means we have to ~choose~ to stay firmly attached to Him, in relationship (this includes our actions and reactions moment to moment).  It means we have to stay in the Word, seeking His instruction and guide for living.  It means we have to do more than read the Good Book, we need to be obedient to it and allow Him to prune that which is hindering our growth and His plan. ouch!  It sounds like work and commitment but look at the prize - peace.

This means that we are going to have to trust Him and that means we have to be willing to depend completely on Him without fear of the outcome.  Hmm...without fear... already sounds like peace.  This trust develops as we walk with Him.

In the movie, Maria sings: ``It could be so exciting, to be out in the world, to be free``.  Like Maria, have you: "always longed for adventure to do the things you've never dared"?  Do you dream of the things you are seeking and seek the courage you lack?

You can find hope in Psalm 27:3:
Though an army beseige me, my heart will not fear;
Though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.

God knew us by name even before we were born.  We can trust Him,  prepare ourselves and fight the fears that creep in to rob our joy.  Remember fear's acronym? 

The Proverbs 31 woman was confident because she had prepared herself and her household.  One of my favorite re-reads is Anne Ortlund's, "The Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman".  In this book she reminds us: "Nothing on the exterior can touch or change that inner sanctuary - your heart., His dwelling place - unless you let it.  And God, who loves you very much, has tailor made your outer life - your circumstances, your relationships - to pressure you into becoming the beautiful woman He's planned for you to be."

Ah yes, His dwelling place = my heart.  Thank you Mrs. Ortlund for the reminder and thank you Jesus for the Truth.

Press in and press on,

Monday, August 15, 2011

The In Between Days

In recent years I have found King David to be a fascinating individual. As you recount the stories in the Bible of David we see him as a young boy willing to fight off the giant Goliath as the Israelite army watched. Then he is anointed as king while King Saul is still on the throne (that must have been pretty challenging!). His closest friend Jonathon is King Saul's son and during this time King Saul was trying to kill David (I think that might have put a bit of a strain on their friendship). And then there's King David, the man who slept with Bathsheba, she became pregnant, he sets up her husband Uriah to be killed (but it was supposed to look like an accident), and then the baby dies after he is born.

King David is held accountable for his actions by Nathan and repents of his sins and asks God to “create in me a clean heart” Ps. 51:10. Then look what Acts 13:22 says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’”

Have you ever wondered how this guy could do all that he did and still have a heart after God? Maybe we need to be careful we don't miss something. When we read about David don't overlook the days he methodically walked out his relationship with God in between each time we hear what was going on in his life. God is more interested in the state of our hearts than He is in our “perceived” accomplishments. When we sin do we find ourselves quickly repenting and running into the arms of our heavenly Father, or do we hide our sin by lying or trying to justify it?

Oh Lord, may we be like David with a heart that daily, moment by moment, chases after you.


Friday, August 12, 2011

"Being there" is transforming

The air just smells different on a Friday I think;) With another beautiful weekend ahead I am reminded so much of the preciousness of people. During the week its so easy for me to get focused on work and getting things done and sometimes forget the moments that make life what God's heart desires it to be...connecting with Himself and with others in love. This weekend actually Im headed to Swan River Mb. a very special friend of mine experienced someone close to her head to Heaven. As I was thinking about how important it is for us to connect with others on their journey and wherever they find themselves, I was reminded of Jesus. His heart of compassion, His heart of genuine love, Jesus went to people in the midst of their most painful moment. At the death of His friend Lazarus, He came to where he was buried....John 11.33-35 “When Jesus saw (Mary) weeping and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit...” “Jesus wept.” Jesus physically grieved with Mary and Martha, His friends.

Wherever those close to you are at know that you can offer something as they are walking through the painful parts of life. Jesus came. He wept with them. Sometimes thats all that someone needs. More than that, when we as Christ empowered people....who have the resurrecting power of Christ in us come and gather with those on a painful journey, whatever the pain is...... the Life and Hope and Healing and Power that transcends all other power comes out...because its all about Jesus and there are connections, healings and people who are changed as a result of "being there" because HE IS.

Have a blessed and transforming weekend*


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Requiring Change

Sometimes I need to accept the fact that something in my life requires change. Something as simple as a hair cut I've been putting off, cleaning out that closet of stuff I haven't used in years or even possibly some eating habit that has left a few extra pounds around my body;) Some of those things can be hard to change...or even more, find the time to change. As I'm getting older I'm realizing more and more that when I'm not actively changing those little things that seem to sneak up in my busy schedule, when bigger changes come working too much that my health is at risk, not investing in the relationships I've been investing in....that making the change whatever it needs to be is now a much much harder decision. I think alot of us because its harder decide not to make the change...we just stay where we are and try to make it work.
From personal experience...bad idea! When on a daily basis we ask God to reveal the habits in our lives that are not in accordance with His Word and the way He's created to live our lives, our hearts are being made ready for the change. Ask Him today to show you where change needs to take place.
Ask someone you trust in your life to be accountable in this with you.
Whether they're big changes or smaller ones, change keeps us ready for the new things that God desires to do in our lives...the new opportunities, new people, new adventures.....even a new life direction that maybe you've never allowed yourself to entertain, but God knows. Most of all daily knowing Christ more, being rooted knowing His Word...and going to new places with Him*


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Therefore, be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray.
1 Peter 4:7

Ouch, clear minded?  Lord, forgive me for going into prayer with my own intentions at heart.  I know in my head that You have the big picture in mind.  Align my heart and soul with Yours.

It's hard to be clear minded when our plans change or someone hurts us deeply.  Further it's harder still to be self controlled in the moment and beyond.  I know I have felt the ache of hurt to the point where I couldn't sleep and felt myself slipping into a pit of despair.  This is when it is critical to hold every thought captive - to calm the mind.  This allows us to see truth, things as they really are.  How to achieve this is at times my struggle...

So, again I turn to prayer:  Forgive me Father for withdrawing when I should be seeking You.

What I have learned:
Don't delay - deal with feelings right away.
Allow yourself to feel your feelings without judging them.  Cry if you need to.
Do delay taking action so you can think things over.
Pray for understanding and guidance.
Know that God can move in every situation inspite of any circumstance.
Forgive and ask for forgiveness when necessary.
Persist - Chase God's heart.
There IS hope in Christ Jesus.
You are not alone.

Press in and  press on,

Monday, August 1, 2011

The 7th Day

I've been somewhat wrestling this summer with not only resting physically but also resting mentally. It's one thing to stop and put your feet up, it's another thing to stop your mind from thinking, questioning, figuring, pondering, etc. Usually the more intentional I am in settling physically the better I am at slowing down mentally, however when I am challenged, stirred and convicted by the teachings I've been hearing this summer it's been even more difficult to rest mentally.

We are complex humans who are finite, which means we have limits. We were created to not be able to go more than a few days without water, or a few weeks without food, and we were made to work and then to rest. Ex. 23:12 says, “Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and so that the slave born in your household and the foreigner living among you may be refreshed.” In other words we need to work hard and then take time to rest. The bible says we should work for 6 days and then rest on the 7th.

How is your restful summer going?
