Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Media and Generation i

iPad...iPhone...iPod or I AM?

Around our home these days there doesn't seem to be a day where we don't address social media, communication or media effects and ettiquette.  Multitasking these various devices has become almost a virtue for many.  I jokingly questioned one of my teenagers the other day as to where their fourth form of communication was (already on computer-reading and messaging, cell phone and watching tv) - but really it wasn't so funny when I realized that he was charging his iPod amidst having the conversation with me.  I admire their ability and mourn their future sanity. 

We feel very challenged in this relatively new realm.  Devices are plentiful and cleverly marketed.  To totally discard their use is not any better than enabling them to surrender completely.  However, there is no doubt that these tools and communication methods have affected our use of time, productivity, relationships and even our hearts.  Our lives are saturated with information, sounds and images.  Tim Challies' book, Life and Faith After the Digital Explosion goes so far as to say: "life is mediated by the screen".  Sad and true.

There's no doubt that times have changed.  We can carry access to the world in the palm of our hand.  Privacy, creativity, news have all been challenged by it.  My question today is:  So how do we use it?...for His kingdom?

In Hebrews we are reminded: Jesus is the same yesterday, today, forever.  We need to be giving God our quality and quantity time each day.  Are we?  How?

This past week, I participated in an interesting challenge on facebook:  to prove that people do care and really listen - even on that social medium.  I was floored by the response on and off line.  It is important to be yoked with people who also walk closely with God - on and off line.  We need people who will help us see truth about ourselves and our lives.  After all, we become like the friends we spend time with.

This would be a wonderful start to a conversation with coffee/tea in hand at retreat this fall at Elkhorn Resort.  We'd love to have you join us.  Don't forget early bird registration discounts are available until September 23.  More details can be found here:  Join us and go deeper in the journey.

You are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in Whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in Whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:19-22

Press in and press on,

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