A key truth of what we believe is that God is in us. I've been reading 1 Peter and how he affirms that what draws others to the Lord is the hidden person of the heart. Really, this refers to living from the inside out. A heart that pours out peace, thanksgiving, encouragement in the Word, a song, with purpose and submission. As these traits are being nurtured in our hearts, it genuinely overflows in our lives
Wearing a heart of peace, is a calm quiet in a person. When our eternal relationship is right, there will be a peace with God. Remember too, that we are members of one body, Christ's Church, and we have been called to unity there too. This unity includes spirit, aim and interest. What is this for the church body you are a apart of? What can you do to bring your heart and body alongside?
Wearing a heart of thanksgiving is feeling AND expressing gratitude. Let your joy overflow and bless others.
A heart soaking in God's Word, bears a pure, sweet fragrance. To make the experience even richer - pour it into someone else's life. Our church's fancy Word for this is discipleship - share what you have learned and are learning. Encourage others to do the same. Determine to keep growing in Christ.
David's life was filled with song. Praise, hymns and spiritual songs can lift our spirits and enrich God's Word within us - let it spill over. Walk with a song(Psalm) in your heart and on your mind.
Whatever we do - we should do it in the name of Jesus. Is what you are doing throughout the day or how you are behaving worthy of being done in the name of Jesus? He invited us to do His work and gives us the strength to do it. Give praise where due.
Submission doesn't make you less important, less valuable or less of a person. This act of obedience enhances your beauty. Be sure you know what healthy submission looks like and live it out.
There is no doubt that our witness MUST follow our actions. We need to be constantly examining our heart and motives - are we acting on our faith - even when we think no one is watching? God sees all, knows all and loves us in spite of all. So, fear not when falling short of the goal. Simply confess your shortcoming in your heart, pray for guidance and do better (is there some way you can remedy your mistake? or ask for forgiveness from the indivdual and/or do better next time)! ~smile~
Beauty is an outward reflection of an inward work for which God receives the glory. Wear it well.
Press in and press on,
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