Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Every Women Matters

Sometimes I find myself thinking about women who live in my neighbourhood, some I know by name and others I only see drive down my street. Then I find myself thinking about women who live throughout our district of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, some I know by name and others I haven't met yet. But it doesn't stop there for me. I find myself wondering about the women who live across our country and around the world. Some live in condos in cities and others live in shacks in the slums. Some live in big old farmhouses on the prairies and others live in houses in fishing villages on the coasts. Each of these women are equally unique and extraordinary in everything they do, as daughters, neighbours, workers, volunteers, employees, business owners, etc. When I think of these women I wonder how many of them know they are created in God's image (Gen 1:27), how many know they are valuable (Is. 49:16), and how many know they are loved with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3)?

Some women are born into safe and comfortable families, communities and societies, while other women are born into families and situations where they are oppressed because of their social status, their financial situation or because of their gender.

I am challenged to answer the question do I genuinely care for others, and IF I do what does that look like? What does it take for me to act on my thoughts to show love and care for others? Seriously, what does it take to stir my heart into action?

Every woman matters because they are created in God's image, they are valuable, and God loves each of them. We need to find ways to let others know they matter - to God and to us. We need to voice God's words to the longing hearts of women around the world.

Let's start today with those we come in contact with. Let's be ready to share God's words with others. Because every woman matters, and some don't know it!


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