Friday, September 7, 2012

Living Thankful

It seems that the books that I have been reading lately have not been of the ‘finish and move on to the next book’ variety. Rather they are requiring time…time to ponder…time to not only put into practice but maybe just practice…until I really get it.

Recently I have again picked up “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. I had started it quite some time ago, put it aside, and now have picked it up again. At one point the author briefly mentions the story of the feeding of the five thousand and that Jesus “gave thanks.”

I had to stop reading and go look that up! This particular incident is recorded in all four gospels. Two gospels also record the feeding of the four thousand. All the accounts say the same thing…Jesus gave thanks.

Simply gave thanks…in the face of an obvious lack…five loaves and two fish…seven loaves and a few fish…there was not enough…obviously there was not enough. It would take a miracle….but in this circumstance, Jesus gave thanks.

There is no record here of petition. No pleading. No promise of thanks to come. No panic in Jesus voice. He gave thanks, broke the bread, and there was more than enough…

The disciples had panic covered. Maybe to accuse them of panic is too harsh. They did honestly state the facts. There is not enough for everyone to have even one bite. It would take eight months wages to feed this crowd. Where would anyone even get enough bread to feed this crowd?

They weren’t wrong. They weren’t even being negative. They were overwhelmed with a need that they could not meet.

So what does Jesus do in the face of such obvious need? He didn’t make a request. He didn’t restate the need. He took what he had and gave thanks…and there was more than enough.

In this, I am not saying that we should not ask or that we should just be thankful. I am not presenting a formula for provision. It is not a suggestion to manipulate a response by being thankful.

We are in fact told in scripture to ask…to present our requests…even that we do not have because we do not ask… (James 4:2b).

And so I am still pondering this…Jesus gave thanks and there was more than enough…

I am so much more like the disciples in this type of situation. Logical. Recognizing that there is a need. Coming up with my own solution…send them away to buy food.

I recognize the lack. It is pretty plain. It is easy to see.

What if my focus changed? What if instead of seeing what I lack I started to give thanks for what is in my hand? To be truly thankful for what I have…living as if I believed that my Father knows what I need even before I ask…what difference would this make? Would I move away from a poverty mentality...from worry about enough to contentment…to peace?

There is a story told of George Mueller who ran an orphanage in England and of his practice of giving thanks. One morning there was no food in the cupboard and no food on the table. They all sat down, ready to eat, and they gave thanks. Before their prayers were completed a bakery had delivered bread and a milk cart which had broken down in front of the orphanage, offered fresh milk. More than enough…

I need to not only put this into practice, I need to practice this until I get it…this giving thanks. Living thankful. Not focusing on the lack or the need as real as that may be and not as manipulation or a formula…but simply giving thanks.


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