Monday, October 1, 2012


Why do we work so hard to do life without a box of Kleenexes?

I'm sure you've experienced it (or perhaps even tried to avoid it), the interaction with someone else that's "messy". You know one Kleeex isn't going to be enough! You know it's going to take your time, energy, empathetic ear and perhaps even some of your money. Someone is looking for you to help them in their situation of need and there is no quick, easy answer to their time-consuming, messy situation. And yes, sometimes they inflicted it upon themselves and sometimes they were completely innocent of what happened, but they live with the consequences.

You may or may not have noticed this, but life isn't going to be lived perfectly clean and tidy and yet for many of us we work so hard to try to live life, with ourselves and others, without messiness! The more I read my bible, experience life with others and interact with people, I find myself realizing I need to figure out how to do life well . . . with a box of Kleenexes under my arm (. . . for myself and others!).

Gal 6:2 says, "Help carry each other’s burdens. In this way you will follow Christ’s teachings."

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced someone's messy life as we've stepped out to help carry another's burden. The bible doesn't say give them 10 min, hand them a Kleenex, pat them on the shoulder and carry on. No, it says, "Help carry each other's burdens." It implies a continuing on carrying the burden. It also says we are to "carry each other's burdens". So I need to carry others, but I also need to let others help carry mine. Hummm... does this resonate for anyone besides me? I know I'm not the only one who wants to keep my "burdens" to myself and posture as if everything's ok. I also I know I need to be wise and boundaried, and not a "Negative Nellie". (Perhaps you've met her or someone related to her? She experiences everything from a negative perspective.)

What if we consciencely and intentionally made the effort to work at coming alongside our sisters and helping them as they carry their burdens? This might look like sending a card in the mail reminding them you are thinking of them, or perhaps you live close enough you could take them for coffee (or a manicure!), or maybe you have one of those long-distance phone plans and you can make a phone call. There is something about receiving a word of encouragement, comfort and/or perspective from someone who cares about you.

I think for some people this comes more naturally than others, however I also believe that if it's in the bible them it means it's for all of us - no excuses. So whether you are naturally a nuturer or not, today is as good a day as any to begin to find ways to come alongside our sisters and help carry their burdens. And if you're feeling the weight of your burden today, make sure when someone offers to help you carry it - let them help.

Lord, help us to see the burdens our sisters carry and give us wisdom to best help them carry it. Also, would you help us let others walk alongside us as we daily walk this journey before us? In Jesus' name. Amen.


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