I had the opportunity to be at part of our district youth camp. As always,
there was a mass of teens with more energy and enthusiasm than I have ever had!
For some, this is something they and their family have always done, for others
it was a new and perhaps even an uncertain experience. Then there were others
who were hard to figure out . . . do they even WANT to be here?!
camp began I watched and observed two individuals who seemed to be dragging
along some baggage, and certainly some attitude with it! I found myself praying
for these two every time I saw them in those early hours of youth camp.
the first service I could see them across the room and I found myself compelled
to pray for them. Then in the final minutes of the service I felt like I should
begin to intercede for them and I even moved from where I was sitting to
quietly stand behind where they were sitting. Throughout the rest of the week
as I thought of them I prayed for them. I prayed they would personally
encounter God, the walls they had placed around themselves would begin to come
down, I prayed for their hurts and I prayed they would make a personal decision
to commit their lives to Jesus. (Just for the record, these are OUR “church” kids
who are struggling and wrestling with their own personal decision to give their
lives to Jesus.)
was interesting during the final service, as the band so aptly led us in
worship, I watched many of our youth and young adults stand at the front singing
from their hearts as they worshiped the Lord. And there at the front, a
little off to the side where two individuals worshiping God, who began camp
with some serious attitude and they were going to be leaving camp changed and
different. How do I know they were changed? You could tell by their posture,
where they sat, who they sat with and the peace and contentment on their faces –
also, one of the adult leaders confirmed they had had a significant encounter
with God that week.
am more and more convinced when we feel God’s nudging to pray and intercede for
someone we need to do it! Whether we’re standing next to the individuals or
whether we sit at a distance – there is power in prayer.
I had
a lump in my throat as I praised the Lord for the decisions made by these
individuals, as I watched them physically worship God in public. My heart is
thrilled to know these two are beginning a relationship with Jesus at this
young stage of their lives.
a difference an encounter with God can make is the life of an individual!
2 Thessalonians 1: 11-12 says, “So we
keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of
his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your
faith prompts you to do. Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored
because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is
all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.”
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