Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I am friends with two couples who are new to our community and looking for a church. I've been obsessed with how to show them how amazing our church is. I want them to know how freely the Holy Spirit moves through the people who attend. I want them to feel the beautiful presence God blesses us with as we worship. I want them to know how deeply loved they will be by the people who make up this family I call church. I want them to get out of their boxes and try something that would challenge and grow them in ways they have not yet experienced in a church. And I've been frustrated because for whatever reason, they can't see it. I'm a control freak. And I'm distracted. Distracted from what is really important.

What started with good motives, has turned into an embarrassing conviction from God. I have moved into a heart attitude that is judgmental of other churches. I've become angry at people who aren't as spiritually “mature.” (Because spiritual maturity always involves anger, frustration, judgement and control, right?) And I've become exactly the opposite of what I love about our church. A church who loves people where they are at, gives grace and helps them move forward in love. I've been reminded of how the enemy will use the most unexpected things to keep us distracted.

I think the enemy's desire is not to get us to sin just so he can keep a collection of all our sins and do a little victory dance. He wants us to sin because of how it ensnares us and keeps us in a state of defensiveness and ineffectiveness. Our sins distract us. How much time did I spend thinking about how to convince already saved couples that they needed to come to our church, and how many friends outside the church did I pray for and reach out to during that time? None. I hate to say it, but it was none. That is how distracted I was.

The reason I was created was to worship. To know God and to bring others into the knowledge of who he is. The evil one will use whatever he can to distract us from this. We need to evaluate whether or not we take seriously the mandates Jesus gave. We need to love our neighbours instead of being too busy with church activities to do so. We need to raise our kids intentionally and in a godly manner, (showing them the way they should go) instead of letting T.V., random teachers, and society influence our kids without thought. We need to take care of the planet instead of polluting it with our consumerism. We need to feed the hungry instead of gorging at potlucks. We need to fight for justice and stop fighting over doctrine. And we need to take care of widows and orphans in real practical self-sacrificing ways.

And just how easy is it to forget about our mandate? Well . . .
  • Let’s argue about whether or not tongues are for everyone or just a gift for some.
  • Let’s argue about whether or not social drinking is acceptable.
  • Let’s discuss which of the churches in the community has the best worship services, pastor, kid’s ministry, etc.
  • Let’s discuss what the worship leader was wearing on Sunday and if it was appropriate.
  • Let’s spend a bible study devoted to figuring out our opinions on the end times, causing us to either move forward in arrogance or stock pile food in a cellar while people down the street are starving.
  • Let’s analyze and interpret scripture instead of living it.

Need I go on???


I'm sure I've stepped on a few toes here, but I'm speaking out of my own conviction. And I'm not saying that most of these things aren't worth visiting from time to time. The danger is when it all just becomes a DISTRACTION. When these things occupy space in our life and in our minds that they were never intended to. When we spend so much time looking inward that the lost, wounded, and desperate, slip on by us, unnoticed. When we forget to worship the One we are arguing about, and when our own voice gets so loud it drowns out His still small one.

God, let me not be distracted. Let me fix my gaze on you, and only you.

Erin N.

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