Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Circle of Friends

I've been thinking a lot lately about my relationships. Even, we here at district WOMEN have been encouraging you to grow in the depth and breadth of your relationships. This is an area I am often challenged in. Time is always shorter than I'd like or distraction eats away at my focus.

I love talking with other women about Jesus and sharing our hearts and experiences with each other. But just gets messy. What do you say as someone shares about the abuse they endured or are currently enduring? Or to their broken heart over the physical or spiritual loss of a family member? What about their financial concerns or their own physical ailments? Disappointments? Betrayals?

God has blessed me so, by sharing His Word and His heart for healing with others. I've wept tears of joy and sorrow, frustration and praise.

For with God, it is a treasure to walk alongside those who are hurting. To pray, encourage and share hope. Sometimes, just solely to meet their immediate need. It is a joy to share in victory and a treasure to be ministered to by friends who know the Lord and my heart and are there for me.

Ointment and perfume delight the heart,
and the sweetness of a man's friend does so by hearty counsel.
Proverbs 27:9

For God provided in relationship,inspiration and a place to share common interests.

As iron sharpens iron,
so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17

For God provided in relationship a setting where confidences can be shared without betrayal. In Samuel 18, Johnathan and David share many secrets and confidences; each loved the other as his “own soul”.

A friend sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 17:17

Time is sparse and the need is great. We may not be called to meet every person's need or desire for companionship that we meet – but to really be living and walking the walk, we need to make ourselves present and transparent in our relationships. I've been praying for God to lead me in all my relationships – to delight in those that are healthy and accept the need to step out of those that are not.

Who is in your “band of brothers”? Don't walk alone.

Press in and press on,

1 comment:

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