Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a NEW year

Another year has begun and for some of us we make new year's resolutions to perhaps exercise more, eat less and more healthy, to take a class or begin a long, overdue project. Yet for others of us it's just another day, another month and another flip of the calendar.

I, personally, am not one for making new year's resolutions. I think I know myself well enough that I'd never make it through the first month let alone the entire year. I also think if I'm going to make a choice to live differently, change my behaviour and/or consume healthier foods I should begin now and not wait for a new year, new month or new day of the week.

However, a year ago I decided to read through my bible in a year. I've done this before, but I needed to be more intentional and I was wanting to find a way to fit reading through my bible into the busyness of my household. So I found an online link which allowed me to do my daily readings. If I missed a day or two (or more) then I could easily catch up, and even read ahead as well.

I know each of us have busy schedules and some are more hectic than others, but we all have 24 hrs in our day and we can choose how we spend them. The first time I heard that I had a full conversation (or perhaps more accurately - list of excuses) in my head about how I/we filled our day. As much as I would like to argue and defend how I spend the minutes in my day; the statement is still true - there is, and always has been, 24 hrs in a day and I choose how I spend them.

So let me encourage those of you who need the encouragement, and challenge those of you who need to be challenged to choose today to pick up your bible, or go online, and begin the wonderful journey of reading through your bible in 2012.

Hebrews 4:12-13 says, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

The following link is a great online resource to reading through your bible in a year.

There's no time like the present!


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