Thursday, June 7, 2012

Message Central

I love a good note – written or received. Going to the mailbox is hardly what it used to be. There used to be far more letters and fewer bills. Now, there’s rarely a letter there. I love that I can count on my Grandma to always include a note with her birthday/anniversary cards and even the occasional random letter only. They are a treasure of her thoughts. Truly, it’s an art form that is fading away. I can think back to when our daughter was a preteen and devouring the Anne of Green Gables series of books. It reflected in her writing. She would write her closest friends the most eloquent letters, delighting in penmanship and paper and scenting envelopes. We would make mailboxes for each member of our family recycling two litre milk cartons, individually decorating them, making some paper available and exchanging notes. Sometimes our box would contain a doodled picture, other times a note of encouragement or disappointment if a child didn’t get their way. Sometimes, it would contain a reminder. It was a form of “message central”. Today, there sits a mailbox in our parlour for our six year old – encouraging us to write (and delight) him. However, we neglected to make one for the rest of us. So, guess where our notes are found?

These precious notes can be found at the place where he figures we are most apt to find it. It’s so cute when he eagerly asks me if I’ve found his latest work of love. Mine show up on my bedside table, on top of the book I’m reading, or I’ll find it in the morning by my Bible. Sometimes it’s on my desk front and centre. Where would someone leave a note for you if they really wanted you to find it?

I’m so thankful I know exactly where to look for encouragement from my Heavenly Father - in the Word. It’s now more accessible than ever, in print, CD, electronically and stitched already in my heart. This week, pen a note/drawing or two to your spouse, family member or friend. Have fun with it! Maybe even “pen” it in lipstick on the bathroom mirror. Make them smile!

Then, dig back into the Word of God and let Him sweeten your day with the Word He has for you – His letter of love. Be reminded of just how much you matter to Him. Here are a few I love to read over and over again:

I chose you when I planned creation. 
Ephesians 1:11-12

And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 
1 John 3:1

Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. 
1 John 3:1

For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. 
Matthew 6:31-33

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. 
Jeremiah 29:11

Because I love you with an everlasting love. 
Jeremiah 31:3

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore.
Psalms 139:17-18

And I rejoice over you with singing. 
Zephaniah 3:17

I will never stop doing good to you. 
Jeremiah 32:40

One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. 
Revelation 21:3-4

And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth.
Revelation 21:3-4

I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus.
John 17:23

Remember: YOU ARE LOVED!

Press in and press on,

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