Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Mistakes are costly.

Does every mistake need to cost something?

Is it a mistake if you learn something from it?

If you learn something from it is it still costly?


I have a box of product under my desk which has been a costly mistake, at least by my definition of costly. I ordered the higher quantity with the purpose of getting the better price, but it wasn’t a very good deal since there is still product left over.

The odds are good there will be another chance to learn from my mistakes and the question will be; will I be able to recall what I have learned in the past as I consider the next opportunity to step out, take a risk and perhaps make a mistake?

Learning happens when we make mistakes. Mistakes are costly – to someone or something, but can we risk NOT making a mistake in order to live in a relatively safe and secure environment? How will we ever learn if we don’t step out and risk?

The basic foundation as a believer is risking believing in something which cannot be measured by what is seen.

There are many things we believe even though they cannot be seen . . . air, gravity, Pluto to name a few. I know there is air; it’s how I stay alive. Scientists explain the components of air and what is needed by my lungs in order to breathe and stay alive, but I cannot see air nor do I completely understand it. I know there is gravity, because I’ve tripped over a branch and fallen down – hard (Just for the record it wasn’t pretty . . . it never is! Gravity is also what makes things saggy when one gets older.) And I believe in Pluto, even though he no longer holds the title of planet. I’ve never seen Pluto, nor would I know it was Pluto even if I was able to look through a telescope with the guided eyes of a knowledgeable scientist.

However I believe and I have faith and I accept what is known as true by someone more knowledgeable than me.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see.” NET

Why then, do we avoid risking our lives for God because of the unknown, unfamiliar, or unseen? Perhaps the first step of faith is risking a change of address, or perhaps it’s sacrificially giving or perhaps it’s something as simple as entertaining the thought of giving our entire future to the Lord. Perhaps the latter is even more challenging than anything else because giving EVERYTHING to God really is the first step towards risking it all.

What are you willing to risk? Your time? Your money? Your family? Your life?

Perhaps the lessons we learn will be more valuable than any deal saved on the amount of product ordered.

Perhaps the lessons we learn will be more valuable than anything measured on a budget line item.

Perhaps the lessons we learn will be measured in eternal currency - and how exactly is that actually measured this side of heaven?

Mistakes are costly, but missing out on giving our EVERYTHING to God would be even more costly.


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