Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Family Generations

Summer is all about community. People are finally free to venture outside of their homes and schedules and spend time doing things together. I was blessed to be able to attend a much-anticipated family reunion recently. We had four generations present, and the vast majority of them are serving the Lord. We owe our spiritual heritage to my great-grandfather, who was formerly a bootlegger during the Prohibition Era. Had he not decided to turn his life over to Jesus, we would certainly not be the people we are today. Because of that one life that was transformed by the power of God, entire generations have been nurtured and fruitful in the faith.

Have you ever thought about how your actions and decisions affect other people? What about the effect they will have on the generations that follow you? The enemy loves to try to isolate people and cause them to think that their attitudes and decisions only concern them. We need to make an active choice to choose and fight for what is good, if simply for the sake of those who will come after us. Deuteronomy 6:7 commands us to teach and train our children diligently; to “talk of [His laws] when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Don’t leave the task of biblical instruction to the Sunday School teachers at your church – engage your children in meaningful conversations about God, His creation, and why being a Christian really is the best way to live. When the disciples kept the children from coming to Jesus, he rebuked them, telling them never to hinder children from coming to Him. The same challenge can be directed at us adults, who may have succumbed long ago to the complacent status quo of daily living. Are we allowing the worries and disappointments of our lives to quench the spark of faith in a child? Children will follow the behaviours they see much more readily than the rules they are given. So live out what you believe with honesty and integrity, knowing that you are shaping hearts for the future.

That being said, there is also a deeper work that the Lord wants to do in each of us.

In Matthew 18:3 Jesus says “unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” So not only should we be careful instructors of our children, but also humble pupils. Their childlike faith should continually revive in us a sense of wonder and renewed trust in Him. He is our Father, Provider, and Healer, so what have we to fear? We are the children that He delights in! So allow yourself to be filled with a renewed sense of awe and gratitude at the beauty that surrounds you, and let God take care of the rest. Your children will take notice, and only God knows the spiritual impact that will have on generations to come.  Have an awesome summer!

Ruth-Ellen W.

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