“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever
is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think
about such things.” Philippians 4:8
all have times when the circumstances in life can weigh us down, times when all
our best intentions don’t end with the result we hope for, times when we
struggle in a dark place. It is often in these times that I catch my internal
dialogue taking on a tone of deep discouragement and helplessness. For me,
times that are uncertain can get to me like nothing else. I like to know how
things are going to work out! I want to feel like my planning and preparing and
anticipating can influence the outcome . . . and sometimes the hard truth that
I’m not in control confronts me with a blast!
has always been helpful for me; I rely on it to help sort out my thoughts and
feelings, to refocus, and to move my mind and heart into a more peaceful and
settled place. I frequently journal in prayers, directing my jumbled emotions
toward God and seeking his perspective and clarity in my situation.
sometimes I’ll look at my journal page and see it covered with fear, anxiety,
pain, worry, hopelessness . . . and not much else. There are days when I can
just sit in this and stew, going around and around and rehearsing for myself
all the very good reasons I have to feel this way.
I’ve started to do in recent years, the instant I catch myself in this spiral,
is to turn to a fresh page in my journal and make a list of things I can count
on today, things that are absolutely true, no matter how crazy and mixed up
other things in life may be.
I always
start the list with the same words: “Lord, I need to refocus my attitude. No
matter what happens with all these unknowns, may Your Name be honoured, may
Your Kingdom come, may Your Will be done. Here are some certainties I know for
sure today . . .”
what my list looks like today:
- I am loved. God created me precious and irreplaceable. God delights in me and cares about every detail of my life. I have a husband who loves me and is here with me daily in all the messiness of life.
- God can redeem any situation. God knows my whole history, accepts me, heals and restores me, and has amazing plans for my future – even if the present looks unclear! He has guided me and guarded me in the past, and he’s not giving up on me.
- God has provided for me always, sometimes in unique and unmistakable ways. I have always had a place to lay my head. I have never had nothing to eat. I have more than enough. I am blessed.
- God will ALWAYS use me if I am willing, and if I am open to the lesson and the discipline. It doesn’t matter if I feel weak or inadequate or unqualified. In fact, being in a place of humility gives God the most space to work!
- My vision is so small. God sees the biggest picture. I can only see with my human eyes, limited by time and space. God works in the eternal, not limited by my tiny perspective, and not even limited by my earthly lifespan. Today I need to step back and recognize that God is developing my character and working things out, not just for this life but for eternity.
a short list, but it represents a HUGE shift in my perspective! It doesn’t make
all the darkness go away, but it brings a flashlight into the dark room. It
turns things around by reminding me what I am certain of, instead of all the
things that are unknown and unclear.
you use a shift in perspective today? Do you need a reminder of what is true
and real and certain in your life? What does your list look like?
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