would you DO, if you could do ANYTHING in the world? What would you BE if you could
be ANYTHING in the world? What would it take for you to live with sacred joy?
What would it mean if we shut out all of the lies that paralyzed us in fear? What
would it mean for us to take a flying leap into the unknown, but KNOW that
Jesus was right there, right beside us? What would it
take for you to know the TRUTH, and have it set you FREE?
“You are truly my disciples if you keep
obeying my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you
free.” John 8:31,32 TLB
“If you hold to my teachings, you are really
my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31,32 NIV
“If you stick with this, living out what I
tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for
yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”
John 8:31,32 The Message
I love the
last version of this verse! If you “STICK WITH THIS”. Doesn't
it feel like that sometimes? Doesn't it feel like, in certain seasons,
that we are just sticking with it, holding on, barely breathing?
The word
"hold" actually means: to abide, live in accordance with, dwell
within, adhere to, are faithful to...
Most of
us could quote John 8: 32 by memory. “Then
you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (NIV). It's quoted
in movies, songs, on TV and in our churches! But vs 31 is often left out and
yet it is the hinge to our freedom. In order to be free, we must abide in, live
in accordance with, dwell within, adhere to, be faithful to, HIS WORD!
HOLDING = FREEDOM!! If you want to know truth and want to be free, then
we MUST begin to live a certain way. We must begin to stay, remain, give
our life. Stay WITH Him. Remain IN Him. Give your life TO Him.
it takes every ounce of strength to HOLD. Sometimes it takes every ounce of
patience to remain, to STAY. Sometimes it takes a flying
LEAP, to give your life fully to Him. And every. single. time it results in
freedom. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Stay - when you feel like running from Him. Hold
- when it feels like everything around you is letting go. Jump - because
you were born to jump, Jumper!!! When we stick with it, when we stay in His
word & in His ways when things get hard (because we KNOW they will), the
reward is a beautiful life of FREEDOM! Fight it out. Don't give up. Don't
let your guard down for even ONE minute because at the end of this season there
is triumph and freedom. This pain you're experiencing will end and with it will
come freedom from the lies you've believed, from the weight you've been
carrying, from the condemnation you've been feeling. Remain in HIM, in HIS
Word, in HIS ways. HOLD to His teachings. Keep your eyes on him.
So, I ask again. What would you DO if
you could do ANYTHING? What would you BE if you could be anything? Often we
confuse "DO ANYTHING" with an occupation. Maybe it's teaching that
Sunday School class, taking over the Christmas Musical, taking piano lessons
for the first time, doing a 5km run for Cancer, maybe it's walking into a church
for the first time in YEARS. Maybe 'BEING' is being kind to the person that
wounded you, maybe it's loving the unlovable in our cities, maybe it's being honest with
ourselves and our brokenness and holding tight to His word because, really, it's
all we've got. If holding
onto His word results in freedom, then JUMP. If you are a follower of Jesus you
are a jumper. YOU. ARE. A. JUMPER.
Tara W.
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