Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Fab Four

Once there were four friends – well five actually. We know very little about this group. The fifth of this little band was paralysed. We’re not told how that happened. Had the five of them been out on an epic adventure that didn’t turn out according to plan? Four came back without a scratch and one changed for life – paralysed – spending his days lying on a mat. Is that why the four were so attentive, so determined?

There is no recorded conversation between these friends – just an account of their actions really. It would be interesting to know…the day the four came to pick up the paralysed man…did he have a say in the matter? Did he ask for help? Or, did he just go along with the plan because, really, it wasn’t like he had options…

Jesus was in town. The four decided that their friend needed to see Jesus. So, they picked him up, literally. Carrying him, mat and all, and off they went.

It probably hadn’t been their plan for the day. They had other things in their day planners. Things that needed to get done. Important things….but Jesus was in town…and their friend needed to see him.

I wonder about conversation when they got to the house where Jesus was speaking. It was pretty obvious that there was no way to push through the crowd – maybe one of them could have made it but that wasn’t the plan. The plan was to get their friend to Jesus.

Now what boys? Less determined friends may have turned back. It just wasn’t meant to be. Today wasn’t going to be the day. They had tried. They could come back tomorrow. Maybe Jesus would still be there.

Were they discouraged? They had been so sure that they should bring their friend to Jesus…and that it needed to be today…

Are they about to turn away when one of them speaks up…maybe the quiet one in the group…a little fearful of what the reaction will be because they have laughed at his ideas before…"What about the roof? Why don’t we dig through the roof?"

Today they don’t laugh. Today they don’t tell him that it’s a ridiculous idea. Today their friend needs to see Jesus.

Without arguing, without hesitation, without one word about who is going to clean up the mess that they are about to make, they head for the outer staircase. The climb to the roof strains their muscles. It is no easy task to carry a paralysed man to the roof top. But it is the only way and they need to get their friend to Jesus.

They begin to tear up the tiles of the roof. It disrupts the teaching going on below as bits of dirt and rubble begin to fall. And the noise! Getting their friend to Jesus has become a little messy.

The roof is damaged but…their friend meets Jesus and his life is forever changed!

There is a verse in this story which both gives great hope and challenges at the same time.

"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'" (Mk 2:5)

When Jesus saw their faith the fifth man’s life was changed. No longer paralysed. Forgiven…healed…free!

Their faith…four friends who knew that they had a friend who needed to have an encounter with Jesus. Four friends willing to carry another and who wouldn’t let obstacles deter them…not a crowd, not stairs, not even a roof. They were persistent, determined, faithful friends.

Anyone in your life who needs to have an encounter with Jesus? Have you tried to get them there but were turned back by obstacles? One friend couldn’t have completed this task. To expect one to carry the paralysed man …that would have been an unbearable burden. But four…there was no stopping them. No doubt they spurred each other on.

I’m still learning this lesson…to share the burden…to have my own ‘fab four’ who can help me bring someone I love to meet Jesus…but I am determined to do that because when Jesus saw their faith…amazing things began to happen!


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