keep a very plain box tucked away that holds some “things” very
precious to my heart...love letters. Notes back and forth from my
beloved and I. I have other precious containers too, that hold
treasure troves of letters and notes. One is heart shaped and tucked
inside are words of encouragement, thankfulness and wisdom to cheer
me on. It is from a very special group of friends we had moved miles
away from. I remember the day it arrived. I remember eagerly
unwrapping the shipping box, and discovering to my delight, that my
friends and their children had taken the time and made the effort to
combat my loneliness and bless me. I have gently unwound and rewound
the closure many times since receiving it – each time drawing more
strength from the words it contains.
the Bible, Paul describes Christians as living letters known and read
by everybody; not written with ink but with the Spirit of God on
human hearts.
are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men;
you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us,
not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God,
on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh,
is, of the heart.
Corinthians 2:2-3
are you receiving your letters from? To whom are you writing? God has
blessed me with so many letters. Beautiful creations arriving just on
time. Sometimes for just a short while, others come in and out my
whole life through. Still others that were difficult to open and
digest, but stretched me in ways God knew I needed.
is, you and I are both letters from Him too. We have been sent here
with a message and others see Him in our actions. Will others be
hungry to read the news we share or toss us aside like junk mail? How
can we exhibit being a love letter that inspires others to move
closer to Christ? Will you purpose to be that today?
in and press on,
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