Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Facing Fear

If I told you some of my greatest fears you’d probably laugh. I'm almost 30 years old and I am still afraid of the dark. To this day I sleep with all the lights on, still haven’t overcome that. I pray about it and other fears that sometimes creep up on me…not living the life God has for me, getting older (lol), possibly being a Mom one day, losing my Mom. There are many more too, but the simple truth is this, Jesus said: "I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS….TO THE VERY END OF THE AGE." Mt. 28:20.

As a woman I have a lot of womanly fears too (as above mentioned) and when I meditate on the words of JESUS…"I AM WITH YOU….ALWAYS". Knowing that He is there, fighting for me, with me, when I am facing fears, knowing that HE put fear to death! He IS the conqueror of fear. WOW! That truth alone fights fear in the moment. Knowing God’s Word by heart…meditating and memorizing it gives us more confidence in Christ. In the Bible are His own words for us to hold onto in those moments when we are clouded and plagued by fear. The Bible is alive and full of power…and that same power who raised Jesus from the dead dwells inside of us. Praise God! How encouraging for us to never forget.

So I admit I still sleep with the lights on, I usually wear as many layers of night cream as I can (and drink tons of water) and I make as many memories with Mom as I can. All that said though, knowing the truth that He is with me, He has conquered this, makes me realize how much greater HE IS than anything else I could fear.


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