was the girl who liked gym class. The chance to play a little
volleyball, baseball or soccer – great fun!
don’t play sports so much anymore. I’ve moved to being a bit of a
sports fan – mostly hockey & football (Go Bombers!).
don’t consider myself a rabid sports fan. Never painted my face on
game day – don’t have to rearrange my schedule according to my
team’s schedule. Apparently there are degrees to being a fan. You
can be all in or you can be the other extreme. Kind of a fair weather
fan – cheering loudly when your team does well and losing all
interest when they are not doing well.
have been thinking about the difference between being a fan and being
a cheerleader. Fans can turn on their team. Cheerleaders don’t. A
fan can leave the game whenever they choose. Cheerleaders are there
for the entire game no matter the outcome. Cheerleaders are part of
the team.
10:24 says “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward
love and good deeds.”
are all on the team, playing different roles at different times, however a role that each of us needs to take on is that of
cheerleader – spurring one another on. Encouragement to carry on,
to keep on, to move on.
need encouragement. I need to give encouragement. I need a
cheerleader. I need to be a cheerleader.
of a verse from Deuteronomy caught my attention. God is talking to
Moses about Joshua and he says “Encourage him because he will
lead Israel to inherit it.”
is telling Moses that Joshua is the guy who will lead Israel into the
Promised Land – this is the guy who will finish the job. This is
the next generation.
your age, there is a generation following you who, with
encouragement, will do things that your generation did not finish.
That’s a reason to be a cheerleader!
is married and a mother of three young men. She is very involved in
her local church and investing into the lives of others.
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