a few weeks ago, we decided to help out a relative and adopt her
elderly, but extremely energetic Bischnoodle –
Bichon/Schnauzer/Poodle cross – since her granddaughter was very
allergic to him. We already owned a two year old bouncing boxer babe
so becoming a two dog household has created some interesting
dynamics. As I sat here and attempted to write this morning I
listened to the intermittent squabbling and play wrestling and got up
for the periodic trips in and out, totally losing my train of thought
in the meantime. I can see the toys strewn across the living room as
well as the dirty footprints on the floors I just washed yesterday
and God brought to mind all of the busy young mothers who try to
carve out some time for Him in the midst of the chaos that often
reigns with young children demanding their attention.
the time to spend with God is a little like finding the time for
physical fitness. Both are necessary disciplines. Why not combine the
two? I love to pray while I walk which has a lot of Biblical
precedent. See Gen. 3:17 and Numbers 14:6 – 9. The weather’s too
crumby for walking outside? What about using that workout time to
listen to awesome teaching via podcast or put on some worship music
rather than turning on the talk shows and zoning out at the gym?
have a number of young Moms on the District Prayer Network and they
have remarkable creative ways to fit God into their busy days. One of
them uses Post-it notes to put individual prayer needs on the
dashboard of her vehicle. As she drives children from location to
location she chooses one to pray for, keeping her eyes open of
are just a few hints for finding God-moments throughout a busy day.
They aren’t replacements for that still, quiet time. We still need
to, daily, give the kids to Dad, find a quiet place and spend time at
the feet of Jesus. As we ponder Luke 10:38 – 42, may it be said of
us that we have embraced that time to be like Mary in our Martha
excuse me as I go put on the worship music and wash my floors yet
is married and actively involved in her local church. She has a heart
and passion to help others. She is also the Manitoba/Northwestern
Ontario District Prayer Coordinator PAOC.
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