Thursday, February 16, 2012

Encouraging one another – A Daily Ministry

Encouragement is part and parcel of God’s character. Our God is a God of comfort, patience and consolation. He never gives up encouraging us in His Word. He continually exhorts us to “fear not!”. He used such phrases as: “be of good cheer” and “be not afraid”. This is the desire of God’s heart. One way He can accomplish this is through His people – the body of Christ. Are you willing to be a vessel through which He can minister?

Hebrews 3:13 says: "encourage one another daily".

DAILY! Not once a month, or even just once a week at church, but daily. Just imagine what would happen if each one was being encouraged by someone else each day? It would be difficult to backslide into unbelief.

A word of encouragement can change someone’s life! One act of kindness and love can turn someone’s life around. How would this change your relationships with perhaps: your husband, your children, your extended family, your friends? Everyone around you would thrive. The atmosphere of your home would change; simply by stopping the nagging and beginning to encourage.

"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb; sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

What would happen in your life if when you awoke each day, and spent time with the Lord, you asked Him to show you who to encourage that day? In my own life, I have seen Him give me creative ways to bless others: ie: shovelling their walkway, baking cookies to deliver, driving errands, buying someone else’s meal/coffee at a drive thru, delivering a handful of flowers from my own yard, and so on...

Simply, give yourself room to think of others. The Living Bible says in Philippians: "Don’t just think of your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing." It’s fun to mail cards too – folks are so used to getting bills that it is so much fun to get a card of encouragement. Whom around you is lonely? perhaps with child? widowed? Think about dropping them a few lines of encouragement – purpose to be a spirit refresher!

Press in and press on,

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