Thursday, November 24, 2011

Got love?

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10 )

A thief comes to steal what is not rightfully his - prepared to destroy property or take life, no matter the cost for his want. He is bent on getting - not giving.

This is in total contrast to why Jesus came - He came so that we might have life - moreover to have it to the full.  Jesus was, God is, intentional in loving on His creation.

The mental state of these two existences is worth contemplating.  Moment to moment we have a choice as to where will will park our minds, our hearts and our choices/actions.  Jesus said all men will know who His disciples are if we have love for one another. 

Purpose in your life to love - and when you fail - ask for forgiveness and try again.   Are you holding on too tight to that which you have been blessed with?  Talents?  Prosperity?  Pray for courage to practice that which the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do.  No excuses - give, give, give.  Freely.  Intentionally.  Frequently. 

In worship, we sing:  All of You is more than enough for all of me, You satisfy me with your love, all I have in You is more than enough.  Is it?

How will you love?  Really, sharing the gospel is as simple as sharing love:
His for us.  Us for Him.  We, for one another.

Got love?  Share.

Press in, press on,

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