Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Handing It Over

The book of Philippians is a fairly short book of the bible which is about half way through the New Testament. It's full of all kinds of great verses which have been quoted to myself and others over the years. I'm very sure when Paul wrote this book of the bible (remember he was in prison when he wrote it) he didn't expect us to just read the verses, but to also apply them to our lives.

Phil 4:6 says, "Don't be anxious about anything..." How are you doing with this one? Some nights it's pure work to do the next part of this verse. "in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Recently, I woke up in the night with a long and heavy list of concerns and worries which had me awake trying to figure out how to solve them. Some of the items on my list weren't in my control and many of them needed to be handed over to the Lord. After a lot of mental work and struggling to pull my mind back on track, I needed to repeatedly hand the concerns and worries to God and ask Him to intervene, change hearts (including mine) and help me to ride the wave I was on.

I'm happy to say some items are now stroked off my list and other items are still waiting to be finished, however I am constantly reminded that God is in control and I need to pry my fingers off and let Him work in ways I can't even image.

Phil. 4:9 says, "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."


Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Circle of Friends

I've been thinking a lot lately about my relationships. Even, we here at district WOMEN have been encouraging you to grow in the depth and breadth of your relationships. This is an area I am often challenged in. Time is always shorter than I'd like or distraction eats away at my focus.

I love talking with other women about Jesus and sharing our hearts and experiences with each other. But frankly...sometimes...it just gets messy. What do you say as someone shares about the abuse they endured or are currently enduring? Or to their broken heart over the physical or spiritual loss of a family member? What about their financial concerns or their own physical ailments? Disappointments? Betrayals?

God has blessed me so, by sharing His Word and His heart for healing with others. I've wept tears of joy and sorrow, frustration and praise.

For with God, it is a treasure to walk alongside those who are hurting. To pray, encourage and share hope. Sometimes, just solely to meet their immediate need. It is a joy to share in victory and a treasure to be ministered to by friends who know the Lord and my heart and are there for me.

Ointment and perfume delight the heart,
and the sweetness of a man's friend does so by hearty counsel.
Proverbs 27:9

For God provided in relationship,inspiration and a place to share common interests.

As iron sharpens iron,
so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17

For God provided in relationship a setting where confidences can be shared without betrayal. In Samuel 18, Johnathan and David share many secrets and confidences; each loved the other as his “own soul”.

A friend sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 17:17

Time is sparse and the need is great. We may not be called to meet every person's need or desire for companionship that we meet – but to really be living and walking the walk, we need to make ourselves present and transparent in our relationships. I've been praying for God to lead me in all my relationships – to delight in those that are healthy and accept the need to step out of those that are not.

Who is in your “band of brothers”? Don't walk alone.

Press in and press on,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

God is God

I love that God is at work whether I'm aware of it or not.
I love that God is in control whether I see it or not.
I love that God's truth is still true, whether I've read it or not.
I love that God's word is alive and changing people's lives, whether I notice it or not.
I love that a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.
I love that even if 'I don't get it', it doesn't mean it can't be understood.
I love that God's timing is not mine.
I love that God knows everything and I don't need to.
I love that God cares for those He created more than I can even imagine.
I love that God is the Alpha and Omega ~ the beginning and the end.
I love that God has numbered my days on earth and no one else has.
I love that God loves me whether I completely understand it or not.
I love that in spite of me, God is still moving.
I love that God is God, and I am not.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Rev. 22:13


Monday, January 23, 2012

His spirit in the unexpected moment

Sometimes there are moments that are unmistakably precious that are planned and prepared for. Sometimes those moments, of equal and precious value just take place. God's timing, by His Spirit and by His power. Being prepared for both of these experiences means asking God to continue to help us to stay daily connected to Christ and living immursed in His presence.
Tonight I had such an experience. God moved in an incredible way ministring deeply into the hearts of precious women. I was able to see a small part of it, and be again filled with joy as God by His Spirit connected face to face with them leaving them chaged forever. This afternoon I had no idea it was going to happen.
Dear friends, God is working daily, ask Him to immurse you in His presence...you never know what the next moment will bring*


Friday, January 20, 2012

Guest Post by Glenda

Behold What Manner….

I have been pondering a question that I was recently asked. An acquaintance asked me what “method” I used for my prayer life. This question puzzled me and another question came to my mind: Why would I need a “method” to pray to my heavenly Daddy who I LOVE to have intimate communication with? As busy women we know that freedom, wholeness and success can only be found when we live a praying life, but too often we get caught up in the idea that we need to carve out a lot of extra time to follow a “method”. When we focus on the method rather than on our Father we miss the mark.

The Bible says “I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Cor. 6:18). Children who know they are loved by their father act differently than those who doubt that they are loved or know that their father doesn’t care for them. When Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray He said “Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray, ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.” (Matt. 6:8–9).  Jesus so perfectly modeled intimate communication with His Father who is also OUR Father.

God is crazy about us! He loves us unconditionally and He will never leave us nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5). He knows what we need better than we do (Matt. 6:8). And He loves to give good things to His children who love Him, seek after Him and ask of Him (Matt. 7:7).

When I came to revelation of my Father’s love, it totally changed my prayer life. I have found that in my weakness, I can come in boldness and confidence to His throne of mercy because He forgives me. I can whisper my concerns to Him and rest, knowing He’s taken care of them. And I can trust Him with my dreams and desires because He gave them to me in the first place. There is great freedom in my prayer life these days.  And there can be in yours as well. No need for "methods" or 25 hour days! 

“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1

Glenda is married and actively involved in her local church. She has a heart and passion to help others. She is also the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario District Prayer Coordinator PAOC.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

That Verse Again!

I first heard this verse when I was about 13 years old at a mid-week church program. This was one of many Bible verses we were required to memorize to earn our badges. I'm sure I've heard it off and on since then, but I don't recall hearing it come to life like it has lately for me. Last June I was attending some significant meetings where this verse was emphasized, taught on and passionately brought to life. It has rattled around in my brain over and over since then. Once again, this past month I've read and heard it repeatedly; then this past weekend our pastor preached on it! It has caused me to ask the question, "Is God talking to me?! And is He talking to me so I can talk to you?! ...I think the answer is a solid "yes"!

"And what does the LORD require of you? 
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 NIV

Simply put this means we need to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.

I need to genuinely care for and work towards meeting the needs of those around me. And I need to spur others to do the same, while faithfully walking with God everyday.

You see people need to matter to us, because they matter to God!

Look at what Matt. 23:23 says, "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practised the latter, without neglecting the former." NIV

This is important to God! He loves those whom He has created, and He wants us to show others we love them because God loves them.

Perhaps The Message Bible will give you another perspective on this. "But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously—take God seriously." Micah 6:8 (italics mine) 

It's time for us to put into practice what God has been speaking about over and over again. Our world needs to hear about and meet Jesus, and the best way for that to happen is through everyday people like you and me. By sitting across the table and listening - then offering Jesus in the midst of their situation. Jesus isn't about quick fixes and simple answers, He's about saving us from our sins and setting us free from the chains that hold us down. Jesus is for you and me; and the rest of our world needs to meet Him too! I believe God wants you and I to begin to intentionally build relationships with others so when the time is right we can offer Jesus into the situation. Let's prayerfully begin to finds ways to live out Micah 6:8 in our lives.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Guest Post by Jan

A Fresh New Year ~ 2012

Some time ago while struggling through a challenging season I was reading God’s word, this phrase from Galatians caught my eye and demanded an answer.

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?” Gal 5:7

Excuse me?

Hmm….Good question…who did cut in on me and God; why am I almost standing still? …And as I asked Him that question, he answered… “You did. You cut in on yourself and you are keeping yourself from continuing in the race. YOU are interfering with your race.” Ouch! Me? But God…I’d rather blame “someone else” (…then I can wait until my circumstances change before moving forward). As I cried out in prayer, I then realized I had been allowing my negative thought patterns to cut in and derail me from my race, to keep me from the truth.

Gal 5:8 goes on to say: “That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you.”

I repented. “This is not from you God…you have placed a call on my life…you can use every circumstance for good…what will I do with it?”

As we enter into 2012, with whatever hopes, dreams and plans God has given us, let us not cut in on ourselves and stop our “good race”. What are your thoughts telling you? Are they truth? Check them against God’s Word. God has a plan and purpose for each one of us women. As Gal 5:1 says: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

New year’s “resolutions” can be a yoke of slavery (I resolve) or they can be the vision that has you standing firm in Christ’s freedom.

Do you have a vision, not a “resolution”, for 2012? Sit down with God and ask Him what His call on your life is and set goals that, with His help and guidance, you can work toward. Yes, that applies to every one of us…what is His/your vision for you as a single woman… as a wife… as a mom… as an employee… as a friend? If you are married, sit down with your husband and set a vision for your marriage for 2012!

Now, WRITE THE VISION! Set goals to accomplish that vision and invite God into your daily planning.

Success, for me as a woman of God, is about walking with God…daily…sometimes seemingly standing still and waiting; sometimes flying at breakneck speed, knowing this is of His doing, not mine. In all seasons, I need His guidance, His wisdom, His freedom and I need to trust Him in the race!

God had me read Galatians again as I moved into 2012, reminding me that my trust is in Him, not in what I can do, but what He can do in me and through me.

As my husband Glen and I move from what seemed like a “standstill, leaning and learning” season, during which time we set a vision and goals for our marriage ministry, into a “breakneck speed” season of watching God open doors above and beyond what we can ask or imagine to bring healing and hope to marriages, I ask for your prayers. With God, ALL things are possible! Don’t let negative thought patterns and heart attitudes cut in on your life race.

DREAM BIG in 2012…with God!

Jan is a wife, mother (and mother-in-law) and grandmother to seven. She has a desire and passion to see marriages thrive, not just survive. She and her husband Glen minister with NAME Canada ~ The National Association of Marriage Enhancement.
Check out their Facebook page at glenandjankyle@yahoo.ca
NAME Canada website: http://namecanada.net/site/
NAME International: http://www.nameonline.net/

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Putting It Into Action

I don't know if you are like me, but sometimes putting a great idea into action just doesn't seem to happen all the time. Great intentions but no results. I've been somewhat challenged lately to begin to put into action the things God is stirring. Actually, I've also been challenged to put into action my thoughts about eating healthier and exercising more as well - but that is for another time... or is it?!

Anyway, I know of a family who a number of months ago gave themselves a challenge during their family vacation to do at least one random act of kindness each day for someone they didn't know. Once they got home they continued to find ways to actively show others they cared. Perhaps you need to be challenged in 2012 to daily, weekly or monthly do a random act of kindness for someone else. Shovel their driveway, mow their grass, pick up a few extra items for the food bank, send an email to a friend you haven't heard from in a while, etc. How can we actively show others that Jesus really loves them?

For those of you who are goal orientated this might be the check list of ideas you can use to begin to show others how much Jesus loves them. Maybe you need to make a phone call and begin the ball rolling for an idea God has planted in your heart. Perhaps you need to organize and/or host a bible study, or a baby shower for a Crisis Pregnancy Centre, or a personal shower for a women's shelter, or a kitchen shower for a community centre. Maybe we need to volunteer or make intentional purchases for the food bank.

I find myself asking the question how am I going to put this into action?

I've been treasuring and savouring many great ideas which I believe the Lord has planted in my heart, but lately I've been challenged that the idea is only an idea unless I put it into practice. I wonder how many people reading this need to roll up their sleeves and get involved. Maybe you're supposed to run something, or maybe you're supposed to play a supporting roll and be another set of hands, or perhaps you're to be the prayer warrior at the back of the room praying for open hearts as God is moving.

Don't wait for someone else. God want's to use you. He's looking for your willingness. He'll use those who are willing.

Remember what Phil 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


And by the way... I wonder how many of us need to make a conscious choice to park a little further from the doors to the store and refrain from walking down the chip isle at our local grocery store. Just wondering...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

His Glory, His timing

Sometimes beginings are rocky...LOL. Even when God is at the centre of it and He is leading you. You start with an exciting, idealistic vision and as you go to impliment it AHHH!! things don't exactly pan out as you wish they would. Even when God gives you the vision.....look at Abraham: God gave him a promise and a vision, a pretty specific one too. Read up on Abraham and Sarah: Genesis 15-21. God told Abraham that he would be the father of nations through a child of his own flesh, but he remained childless untill he was 100 years: talk about a rocky start. God had put Joseph into a priveledged wealthy family, he had promise and success, yet he was sold as a slave and remained falsely accused in jail for over a decade...not exactly the place to start out your ambious early young adulthood. In all of these situations God KNEW what He was doing....the people living the situations though, had no idea what exactly was going to happen. Some trusted God at HIS WORD and some took matters into their own hands. I see it like this, when theres a red light, that means stop whether its a long or short red light it means stop. Some people after a bit of time will just go through....just because it took longer doesent mean that its right to go. In fact you break the law, and that can have pretty huge consequences. Same with God. He loves us, He is straight up in His word with us and He desires to lead, guide, speak and do things in and through you that WILL draw you into deeper relationship with Him and change the world....but its all about HIM. Nothing can be about us, and when that happens there are some huge consequences.
Some days I feel like God has called me to some pretty overwhelming things....business owner, girlfriend, daughter, friend, woman of God. Whatever specific dream or vison God has given you get ready to live it out fully. In Him you will do it. In His timing. It most likely will not look the way you hope or think or feel it should....it will be harder, but better. So don't be discouraged, rather take up the Word and continue to immurse yourself in it. Never stop asking God to immurse you in Himself.
God has called YOU to His presence. He has also called you to many wonderful things....sometimes though it takes time, sweat, tears and even "failure" in order for that dream to come through. Bottom line is He Knows. He knows the outcome of all the things that are yet before you....so this new year, know Him more, trust Him and LIVE FULLY! He will do it in you, by His power, His timing and for His glory*


Friday, January 6, 2012

Guest Post by Tara W.


“I will praise the Lord at all times, His praise will always be on my lips” Psalm 34:1

All times you say? Easy for cool-as-a –cucumber-giant-slaying-David to say. However, when David wrote this he was in the town of Gath running away from Saul! Gath means ‘winepress’. Do we ever feel like we’re living in Gath – the ‘winepress’ of life? Being squeezed on all sides? David chose to praise. What do we chose? Do we listen to the lies of the enemy, or do we remember that the Lord is always with us? Is our praise based on our circumstance or is it based on what He is worthy of? Want to know how to turn a hurricane into a gentle spring rain? PRAISE! Want to know how to make that mountain seem less ‘mountain-ish’ and more ‘molehill-ish’? PRAISE! Want to know how to defeat the enemy? PRAISE (See a pattern forming?)

Our praise is not just to tell God that He is great, it is for us to understand His greatness. 

Who is God to you? Have you told him lately? Have you thanked him for being your righteousness, sanctification, peace, shepherd, provider, holiness, healer, revelation, justification? Have you acknowledged His hand woven in the day to day life activities we robotically walk through? What about turning the mundane into the marvelous? Praise is a choice! We CHOOSE to be thankful in all circumstances. We CHOOSE to remember that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with us and will never leave us. We CHOOSE to give praise when all we can muster from the depths of our despair is “I need You”. We CHOOSE today to declare out loud who He is and watch our spirits awaken! We CHOOSE today to praise the one who stops all of Heaven just to hear your thankful heart.

“That I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.” Psalm 30:12

Tara is married and has three beautiful children. She is also a worship leader in her local church who longs for us to praise God in the midst of everyday life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a NEW year

Another year has begun and for some of us we make new year's resolutions to perhaps exercise more, eat less and more healthy, to take a class or begin a long, overdue project. Yet for others of us it's just another day, another month and another flip of the calendar.

I, personally, am not one for making new year's resolutions. I think I know myself well enough that I'd never make it through the first month let alone the entire year. I also think if I'm going to make a choice to live differently, change my behaviour and/or consume healthier foods I should begin now and not wait for a new year, new month or new day of the week.

However, a year ago I decided to read through my bible in a year. I've done this before, but I needed to be more intentional and I was wanting to find a way to fit reading through my bible into the busyness of my household. So I found an online link which allowed me to do my daily readings. If I missed a day or two (or more) then I could easily catch up, and even read ahead as well.

I know each of us have busy schedules and some are more hectic than others, but we all have 24 hrs in our day and we can choose how we spend them. The first time I heard that I had a full conversation (or perhaps more accurately - list of excuses) in my head about how I/we filled our day. As much as I would like to argue and defend how I spend the minutes in my day; the statement is still true - there is, and always has been, 24 hrs in a day and I choose how I spend them.

So let me encourage those of you who need the encouragement, and challenge those of you who need to be challenged to choose today to pick up your bible, or go online, and begin the wonderful journey of reading through your bible in 2012.

Hebrews 4:12-13 says, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

The following link is a great online resource to reading through your bible in a year.

There's no time like the present!
