Sunday, July 31, 2011

Arise in Christ

After another gorgeous day I am enjoying the evening cool breeze:)  I sincerely hope each one of you is enjoying your long weekend. As I was enjoying the peace and sun on my parent's deck this morning I was reminded again of how each moment in our lives counts. Each moment we connect with Jesus changes our hearts to desire His heart...and prepares us for the little and big moments that come up in our future....most of which we can not prepare for beforehand.
Recently I have started reading through the book of Nehemiah. Its been a while since I read it and again I am so deeply challenged and encouraged as I read about a man God calls to do things He could not do on his own, but He rises to the occasion. Nehemiah was ready. He was ready before God called him to be. He faces opposition in every way, yet he keeps going...He KNOWS WHO HE IS IN CHRIST and trusts God to bring about the results for what he has been called to do. No questions asked.
At the beginning of chapter two we see him praying with a heart of repentance and asking God boldly for favour with the request he needs to make to a King he has never met. God gives favour and in the moment instead of freaking out..Nehemiah boldly makes his request known to the King. As a result the favour of the King rests on him and Nehemiah is on his way to walk in the call that God has given him. The journey is such a hard the end of chapter two we already see the opposition that he faces. He does get discouraged...but he continues to ask God for strength.
In my own life hearing Nehemiah’s heart and words and seeing the action he takes challenges me to rise to the little and big things in my life that God has called me to do. Whether I feel like I’m capable or not, God is responsible for the result....I need to keep staying close to Him and walk in the changes He makes in my heart.
I would love to share all the incredible details of Nehemiah’s journey....however, I encourage you to reread it for yourself. Its God's Word, alive and well, it will transform your heart and mind to know God more and be confident in Him and EVERY thing He is calling you to*

"...I was fasting and praying before the God of Heaven. I said, "I beseech You, Oh Lord God of Heaven, the great and awesome God, who preserves the covenant and loving-kindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments, let Your ear now be attentive and Your eyes open to hear the prayer of Your servant which I am praying before You now ..." Nehemiah 1.4-6

"....I answered them and said to them" The God of Heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build..." Nehemiah 2.20

God's favour my friends,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Putting It Into Practice

I've had the opportunity to be at our church family camps this summer with some amazing speakers. God has stirred and challenged me, as well as I've felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It's great to be part of camp meetings and hear the word of God preached with conviction, however one of the things I am most challenged with is putting into practice what I have heard. God can speak to me, challenge me and put His finger on the areas in my life I haven't yielded to Him, but if I don't intentionally put into practice what I've heard then I find myself wondering what are the long term benefits to camp services?  Where is the fruit in my life which shows I am living what I've learned? Hearing someone preach a good sermon doesn't change my thought life or how I interact with others; daily living out the challenges and convictions of God's truths in my every day circumstances is where the fruit really shows up.

My challenge for the coming weeks and months is remembering what I've heard (and the older I get the more challenging that is! lol), taking the opportunities to put into practice what I've heard and living a life which represents Jesus well.

Living a Godly life is not an option, it's a requirement.

Mt. 28:19-20a says, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.”

Lk. 12:30-31 says, “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind and all your strength. The second is equally important: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'”

Lord, help me to put into practice the truths I've heard and been reminded of these past few weeks.


Friday, July 22, 2011

His Word changes everything

It's interesting how when we are desperate how all of a sudden we feel so close (or perhaps far away) from God. The last two weeks I have never been so sick in my life. After 48 hours of running to the bathroom every 30 - 45 min. I was exhausted, frustrated in intense pain and overwhelmed. It takes an earthquake for me to even consider seeing my doctor for when I called my dad to see if he could pick me up and take me to the hospital, he knew there was something seriously I had for some time. I had been praying all through this whole time, but it seemed like my prayers were not being heard...instead of the pain getting better it got worse and on top of everything I was bleeding from places I shouldn't have been....and there was no sign of any end. Like I said I have never been so sick or scared in my life.
As I prepared to go to the hospital, I grabbed my Bible and just began to not read...but declare the Word of God over my body and my life. There’s a difference when you do that for other believe for them and trust God and ask Him for the faith to believe for the request.. When we pray for ourselves I think sometimes....we don't do it the same way.
I declared the Word over myself like I haven't in a while. It didn't take long before I could feel the weight in my body begin to lift.....and for the first time in what seemed like forever I didn't have pain or the need to run to the bathroom. Over the next week my body slowly has gotten better. I’m still seeing my doctor, but I KNOW that JESUS touched me! He TOUCHED me and there is nothing else that could touch and heal like HIS power alive and well. Its there before us to walk in.....for others and OURSELVES. Take that today...don't just read the Bible...DECLARE it over your body, your situation, your life. My healing was not instantaneous, I’m still very much on the mend, but He's walking me out of the valley.....His power is there for your life as well.
It appeared as though the flu I had progressed into a kidney infection...not something you want to have hanging around your body! I prayed specifically and declared the Word over each area of the pain and infection....and I experienced Christ's touch.
I encourage you in your faith today, may God renew your heart and desire for Him. Even in the uncertain and unseen things He is ALIVE and well....even if things don't happen the way we think...or as we think they should* Blessings on you Friend.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Construction Zone

I often find it frustrating and terribly inconvenient when  I come across a construction zone in my travels.  This often means I need to slow down and invest precious time in what may be an unplanned for delay.  I think we have these same opportunities in our daily living.  Instead of road reconstruction - it's about people...

This week, I have a challenge for you:

Look at people's faces.  Are they cheerful? stressed? tired? content?

Now, ask them what they're so happy about so you can share their joy OR speak a word of encouragement to those who may need it.

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life,
but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.
A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 15:4,13

Help us Lord to be more aware of the power of our words.  We want to inspire others we meet.  Help us find just the right words to encourage and lift the spirit of those we encounter who need You in the moment.  We know all too well that our mouths have tremendous power to build up or tear down.  We can make some one's day or destroy it.

Ladies, let's be builders.

Press in and press on,

Monday, July 18, 2011


I have just finished reading a book called “One Thousand Gifts” by Canadian author Ann Voskamp. I highly recommend this book! It stirred me and challenged me on such a deep level.  [You can follow her daily blog at]

She was challenged by a friend to make a list of one thousand things she was thankful for. In doing so it changed and shifted her view of what was around her. This book is about the shifting which took place.

I've begun my own list of things I'm thankful for – watching the clouds float by, the water lapping at the shore, the rustle of poplar leaves... I'm not sure how long it will take to make my list but I've been challenged to shift my way of thinking to a more thankful way of seeing the world around me. And even finding the thankful in the difficult and challenging situations too. Would you like to begin a “thankful list” this summer? All it takes is eyes to see and a pen and paper to keep track of the list.

Col. 3:15b says, “And be thankful.”

Bless you as you begin your journey of thankfulness.


Friday, July 15, 2011

What's your fix?

Have you ever been so fixated on a thing that it goes to obsession? 

I am so thankful for all the wonderful things/people/situations God has brought into my life.  I am all too aware that there is much sorrow, disappointment and trouble in this world.  I am committed however to focusing my energy on living my life as God would have me live and let Him handle the rest.  So peace is found in

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.
Phillipians 4:8-9

So, a positive life is fixated on God's goodness and character.  This same peace is what leads to our own well-being.  Imagine a life where your emotions are unaffected by your circumstances. 

I am committed in my life to be fixated on Christ and further to pour forth from that place.  It takes practice.  It requires change.  It is worth it in every way!

Press in and press on,

Monday, July 11, 2011

Even the sparrows

Matthew 6:26-27 says, “Look at the birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they are. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not.”

A few days ago my husband and I were shown two baby birds who left the nest a little too early - they still couldn't fly yet. They were flapping their wings and hopping around but they weren't strong enough yet to actually fly. These two eager beavers jumped out of the nest before they were able to fly. Our good intentions to intervene and help them back failed when they just wouldn't stay in their nest. All the while the mother bird was chirping and swooping around the tree making sure her concern for her family was well known. After scratching our heads we decided to leave the baby birds alone, let nature take it's course, and in due time they will build up enough strength and fly like other birds.

Two things come to mind as I reflect on those baby birds. First, it is amazing how well they blended into their surroundings. I always find it amazing watching how well God created camouflage for the animals He created. Second, I am once again reminded of the verses in Matthew. If the Lord will take of these everyday birds, how much more does he take care of us. Worrying and stewing about the things concerning us won't 'add a single moment' to our lives.

Let me challenge you to take a step of faith and hand your situation to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to take care of the details. I have walked this road many times and it doesn't always get easier, but it is always best to hand our concerns to the Lord and leave the details in His hands. Waiting on God can sometimes be difficult however we need to remember that it's in His timing, not ours. We are limited by our finiteness but He is omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful) and omnipresent (everywhere at once). We need to remember that our perspective is not God's perspective. We are limited and He is not!

Each of us is valuable to our heavenly Father because He created us and He loves us.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Regardless of how life happens

There doesn't seem to be too many weeks in my life where I don't find things piling up and staying very busy. This month I had planned to work less and enjoy the summer more....LOL...good thought. I ended up taking on more work...and committed myself to house-sitting for a wonderful family for the entire month of July. As I roll my eyes at myself and the fact that I now have 2 cute little four legged dependants and a garden of flowers to care for, I still find I am LOVING the fact that I am  living life and taking "new"experinces as they are unfolding in my life.....some things you just can't prepare for, both good and just have to live them out with as much grace as you can. (The kitties ran away for three days and I already killed three plants :P).
Its never an easy process, balancing the excitement of living life fully and taking time to rest. Jesus though constantly reminds me of His own even though the crowds pressed Him, He withdrew to a quiet place and rested and connected in the Presence of His Father.

Living life embracing the unknown joys and challenges before you is an extraordinary ride. It seems for me right now to be very all in compassing.... my design company, my relationship, there some pretty HUGE unknowns ahead....and I know that without my REST time with Jesus, there is a good chance that I'll end up sitting in a huge mess, upset and angry......with Jesus alive and well inside me, growing my faith daily, I still might end up sitting in mess....but HIS GRACE WILL walk with me through. Suddenly the unknown becomes a new area of my life for Him to show HIS GLORY regardless of the outcome. Its the embracing of what’s ahead alongside of Himself alive inside me. His vision is genuinely what my heart desires and His grace and strength what I depend on to continue to take me to into ALL that He has designed me to become and know. Regardless of how "I" see it*

Have an amazing week ahead!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Scent of a woman

What's your scent?

Every woman has a certain ~air~ about them.  Their spirit talking for them.  I find I can see it in an other's eyes, I can feel it in their presence.  I can hear it in the lilt of their voice.  Honestly, sometimes I can just about touch it.

With faith as a foundation and a personal relationship with God in place, you can exude confidence.  Faith can radiate a calm force to everyone in your world.  Faith keeps an eye on the big picture of life.  Faith enables you to choose your battles wisely.  Faith is walked in surrender to God's instruction.  Faith sets your focus on lasting results.  Faith enables you to live life generously with your arms wide open, with purpose and without wasted emotion.

I love living as an ~heir~ of Christ.  What scent is your faith surrounding you with?

Press in and press on.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A moment reflection

This weekend has been incredibly I'm sure this beautiful long weekend has been for you!! Yesterday I was attending a very special wedding, friends of my parents were celebrating God's blessing in bringing them together. My parent's were their attendants and my Dad was the MC. Its was such a fun day, celebrating God's design for marriage!! As I enjoyed taking it all in I was so blessed by the example of the marriage of my parent's (who will be celebrating 33 years of godly marriage this summer) and these two newlyweds who even though they are in mid life, have honoured God in their relationship and going into marriage. Its a rare, rare find, and one that influenced not only the people at the wedding, but co-workers, neighbours, friends and the younger generation of people who are longing for a godly example in living out how the Word calls us to live as people in love.

I encourage you today, people are watching.....our daily time with Jesus continues to cultivate a soft heart for The Word of God to take root. God's heart becomes our heart and desire in how we live our lives. As we continue to immerse ourselves in Christ, we understand how to live out His truth, as our heart's desire becomes aligned with His*
“....God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.” Rom. 5.5