Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Nest Matters

Feathering my nest is one of my favourite little past times. I love to decorate and clean and organize and move things around. My husband appreciates it for the most part . . . well, except for the time I rearranged the bedroom furniture while he was away on business and returned during the night, but that’s a blog for a different day – one on healing (stubbed toes) and repentance and such.

It used to be quite cumbersome day in and day out when the children were young and living at home. Frankly it was quite a job just keeping up. Now, feathering my nest includes parting with some of the things that served me well during that time but aren't needed now, were left behind by same children or are just plain taking up space I’d rather use for something else or *gasp* have unoccupied.

The nests we have lived in over the years have served us so well – it’s been such a pleasure, as every eagle mama, gathering the soft feathers and gentle mosses to make it cozy and loving and caring for my little ones – instructing, guiding, protecting. I never intended to raise them to coddle them in the nest but to grow them up strong. Strong in character and wisdom and knowledge; until the time came for each of them to fly, in their own purpose.

I enjoy our ongoing conversations about what they feel they were created for and how all of that is coming about . . . or not. It’s a big leap of faith, taking that step away – sometimes it comes at will and sometimes by circumstance but ALWAYS by design (HIS). When given the choice of the comfortable over trusting God for the unseen, it’s tough! When the inconvenient and repeating life lessons come our way it’s easy to whine rather than appreciate it as an opportunity to grow.

But this I know for sure: God has created all of us for the wide open skies, the freedom, eagles enjoy. Imagine life embracing more than the familiar nest, more than the mundane, more than the same old same old . . . and it’s good!

“He shielded him and cared for him; He guarded him as the apple of His eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions.  So the LORD alone did lead him.” Deuteronomy 32:10-12 NIV

Yes, the LORD leads with great things in mind for His glory. You are the apple of His eye (the WORD says so)! He wants what’s best for you. He will guide and provide.

There’s an interesting fact about eagles: When a storm moves into the area where an eagle is flying and the winds are high velocity, the thunder is rumbling across the area and the lightning is flashing . . . at that very moment, the eagle flies straight into the storm; allowing the very winds that threaten to overcome it to be the channel through which it soars higher and higher and more steadily! Up to where the view changes! Ah, a glimpse of perspective! Holy Spirit wind through any storm AND for your children too!

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Keep claiming those truths – through thick and thin. I plan to keep feathering the nest as a haven in the midst of whatever is going on, but also as a launch for the next flight out, back into the battle.

Press in and press on,

Giselle L.

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