Monday, September 17, 2012

Catching Up

I've got a lot of serious catching up to do.

I had great intentions in January to read through my bible in a year. I decided to try reading it chronologically - for a change, a little perspective on the timeline of things and to not read over the familiar spots just because they're familiar.

I did ok the first half of the year, not so much the last few months. It's amazing what spending time away from home, out of the routine, away from the internet (I use and read the bible online) and how a million other things can get in the way of something as simple as reading the bible for 15 minutes a day.

So here I am, half way through Sept. and I'm way behind. But I decided the other day I was going to start reading again. I don't want to give up, just because I'm not on track with the posted schedule, I want to keep going. I don't want to give up just because I may or may not get it finished by the year end deadline. I don't want to give up because I don't want to miss reading God's word. It's important to me. Just because it didn't go as originally planned, just because "life happened" and I didn't keep up, just because it's not going to be perfectly on schedule like I'd originally planned, doesn't mean I have to stop, start over or give up.

Perhaps what I would consider as plan B is really just a continuation of plan A, with a different ending.

Hummm... something for me to think about... perhaps something for you to think about.

I wonder if there's a life-lesson for us to consider as well... Keep going. Keep trying. Keep continuing on. God's not finished with us yet.

Phil 1:6 says, "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." NLT


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