Thursday, September 11, 2014


We are starting up the weekly blog postings after having taken a break over the summer. As we get back into our fall routines, I trust this blog will be an encouragement, a blessing and even a challenging nudge to draw closer to our Heavenly Father.

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 HCSB

Jo-Ann P

The following blog post is part two from Arlene's June 26th post.

In my last post, I wrote about our dark hours, and how God meets us there. The dark hours have gifts to give, if we are receptive and open. I have certainly learned much about God’s grace, patience, and compassionate kindness in my darkest times.

But then, there are moments of incredible lightness, too.

From time to time, without any warning… we are graced with moments that make us almost ache from their unbearable sweetness. When, just for a second, we are not looking forward or backward but actually breathing in the gift of this present moment…

Out of nowhere comes oxygen. A spacious breath of freshness and life. The tiniest whiff of spring after a long, frigid winter.

For a moment, I feel seen. Visible. Found. 

Moments when without a doubt we know that we belong. I am embraced. I am pursued.

Moments when we are fully present in our healing. The past is not my curse. I am not a victim. I am a new creation. And I know this with every fiber of my being.

Moments when there are no comparisons, no competition, no expectations. I am exactly who and where and what I am supposed to be. I am defined by who I am as a child of Creator God, and nothing and no one else.

There were moments after my son was born that felt electric with this lightness. I breathed “thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you” with every healthy wail, every touch of warm baby skin, every squeeze of tiny fingers. I stood in my kitchen, bathing my wrinkled newborn in the sink with tears rolling down my face and my heart exploding. 

The Giver of every good gift grants these surprising instants that shock us into being fully present in this rich, sweet life right this very second.

In both the bitter darkness and the exquisite lightness, God meets us.

Both our darkest hours and lightest moments are saturated with promise. The comforting promise that this dark hour is not the end of the story, that there are better things ahead…

And this sweet delicious moment, this is a promise, too. This flickering instant is a whisper… This is what we have to look forward to. There are even better things ahead.

Arlene M

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