Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Personal Challenge

I should probably make an admission right from the beginning of this writing. This one is personal.

Secondly, while this also may seem to be targeted to the folks in my age bracket (north of 50!), I don’t think it is exclusive so please keep reading.

In recent years my family has faced some losses. Not dramatic, really, but more just the stuff of life, the regular ebb and flow. My mom, my in-laws and just recently a very special aunt have all gone Home.

There is the usual grieving – if indeed there is such a thing…and the memories that bring both smiles and tears.

Something else came to mind this week though. Actually it was more like receiving a blow…it hit me hard.

With these losses, I and my family and my extended family have lost a significant portion of our regular prayer covering.

With that initial realization, I felt I could hardly catch my breath. I wrestled with the implications of that and my sense of loss deepened.

Then came the challenge:” Are you going to pick that mantle up?”

Immediately I am plagued with self doubt and questions.

I am not capable. What if I forget?

What if I am not faithful?

I am not nearly “spiritual” enough (whatever that means!)

But then a gentle rebuke: “I didn’t ask you if you are good enough or if you will never fail…I asked you if you would pick this up.”

Though of course the ‘right’ answer is yes, I continue to be challenged by these thoughts…am I going to pick it up?

I write this then to share this challenge particularly with those of my generation…we who are quickly heading towards being the older folks. Parent and grandparents are gone. We are becoming that generation. Whether we try to hide our age and defy the aging process at every turn, it is happening anyway. What are we going to do with that?

As the saints who we have come to depend on for our prayer support pass on to their reward, are we going to step into the gap for the next generation?

This does not mean that you are being relegated to the rocking chair! This is not a sidelines kind of thing. This is frontline, fight the battles kind of stuff.

We are told repeatedly in scripture to pray…for one another (Eph 6:18)…to carry each other’s burdens (Gal 6:2)…to pray unceasingly (1Thes 5:17).

Are you up for the challenge…for your children, grandchildren and extended family…for those younger than yourself in your church…for those younger than yourself in your community and outside your church doors?

Are you willing to support in this way the young “Joshua’s” among us who are being prepared and called to finish what our generation has not?

Are you willing to provide the prayer covering for those who are being called to very different, very difficult, even dangerous places and things?

Am I?

Ruth U

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