Monday, October 24, 2011

Your daily adventure*

Just looking again at the pictures highlighting our retreat a few weekends ago makes me so excited about what GOD IS DOING around the world...but more so even what He is doing here, at our hearts and in our families and in our communities.
I love how when God calls us to something often we have no idea how things will come together, but God does and will make it happen in His time, with His resources and by His power. The burden of "result" is not on our shoulders, the adventure of "obedience" is something we can do something about.
In the recent months I have been learning alot about being decisive and action focused more than ever before in my since my amazing boyfriend exhibits this trait I soon realized that I would have to be ok with that too and be open to how God was going to shape my heart through being challenged by it......I always seem to be a few steps behind him:)
I think its essential to ask God, hear what He has to say and then GO and DO. However I think sometimes we wait around, either indecisive or afraid....when the Word clearly has given direction to go and do. I find often I’m waiting around and not just DOING what God so beautiful has already told and called me to do. When Matthew 28. 19 says: "Go and make disciples of ALL nations......." We are commanded to go and do. Now is the new believer that God brought to your small group the woman God wants you to disciple? Pray about it, ask God to shut the door if its not right and go for it. If the door shuts, move on and...keep making disciples. Are you feeling overwhelmed with family, work, ministries and feel like there is no day off in the week for you to rest? Genesis 2.2: “By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.”
The seventh day God rested. Take your day off. God commanded obedience of it for Himself, we need to practice that also. 
Get deeper into the Word. Take EVERY opportunity. Trust God for the results, ask Him for a heart of repentance and obedience. Be trusting and obedient when a door shuts. Let Him take you to a new place of blessing and "knowing Himself," the greatest fulfillment there is*


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