Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Post Easter Thoughts . . .

I've been thinking of scars lately. It began on Easter weekend . . . Good Friday actually.

Many of us carry physical scars from surgeries, sport injuries or a run-in with an object. As well, many of us also carry scars from sharp words spoken, needed words left unspoken and careless words spewing from the mouths of others. All of this got me thinking about the physical and emotional wounds we carry. As these wounds heal over we are left with scars.

Now I have a scar on my shin from a playground incident in grade 5. I hardly notice it anymore . . . I’m just used to it. But it’s still there, it’s still noticeable and it still hurts, a lot, if I bang my shin. But it’s a scar, it’s healed and healed well, but it’s still a scar.

This may seem like an obvious conclusion but, SCARS ARE HEALED WOUNDS. As I think about this conclusion it has caused me to think about my scars differently. They are HEALED wounds. The needed outcome is for a wound to heal well. There is such a thing as a wound not healing well and professional intervention being needed. You see, this is exactly what professionals are for – to help us when we need them. To do surgery to remove scar tissue, or to work through emotional hurts so we can lessen the negative impact we have on others. We can attempt to avoid all wounds in life, but I’m pretty sure it is highly unlikely. We live in a fallen world and I don’t believe we will be able to come through completely unscathed. So perhaps we should adjust our expectations. Focus our attention on healing well, not on the fact we have a wound, either physical or emotional, but on it healing well. Even if that means we have a scar . . . because remember – SCARS ARE HEALED WOUNDS.

Let me go back to Good Friday for a minute. If I’m really honest I find it difficult to understand why Jesus would willingly go to the cross for me. I am humbled and overwhelmed. Then my mind jumps ahead to Easter Sunday and I am eternally grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice and I rejoice because of Jesus’ power over death. I now have access to God, the Creator of the universe, because Jesus was wounded for my sins and He carried the weight of my sins to the cross.

Jesus’ wounds weren't even scars yet when He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” John 20:27.

Nonetheless, those wounds remind me of God’s healing . . . in my life and in the lives of others.

Scars are a form of healing.

Scars show God’s hand of healing in our lives.

. . . which reminds me of the redemption of the cross

. . . which reminds me to REJOICE and be THANKFUL!

Jo-Ann P.

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