Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I don’t believe in Superman – you know, the guy in the blue tights and red cape – big “S” on his chest…I know that he is a fictional character and am willing to make the assumption that most of you are with me on this!

Superwoman on the other hand – well ladies, we all know that she is out there! We also know that it is our job to be just like her!

There is even a name for this: Superwoman Syndrome – “an expectation that she can and should do everything.”

You know the list – job, wife, mother, daughter, friend, volunteer in community, volunteer in church…the list is endless. All good things… all worthy things…so of course we should excel at them … all of them… all at once…because even scripture says “I can do all things…”

Is that verse in Philippians really about accomplishments? I know that we pull it out to cheer ourselves and others on…to get through the rough patches…and there is truth in that.

I think that I may have at times twisted the truth of this verse and put the emphasis on the “I can do” phrase. “I can do” leads to “I must do” and when I fall short the phrase becomes the accusation “I should do”.

Before long my life resembles the hamster running on his wheel. Busy, busy, busy but not really getting anywhere.

If we look back a few verses in this chapter in Philippians 4, Paul talks about contentment. Sometimes I fear that we equate contentment with lack of ambition or lack of desire to move forward. It’s not the same thing. In failing to learn contentment we are robbed of peace as we strive to do more than to be…

It’s not that there aren’t jobs to do, tasks to accomplish, character to grow. There are! There are also things in each of us to be changed as we are made into the image of God’s Son…but do we forget that He is the one to accomplish this? ( Phil.1:6)

To learn contentment in all circumstances seems to me to be the opposite of Superwoman Syndrome.

The link between contentment and “doing all things” is more about allowing God to work than about me accomplishing.

So, let’s agree and encourage one another to take off those superwoman capes and revel in the peace and rest that contentment brings as we say "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Phil.4:13)


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