Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Good is the Enemy of the Best

"I want to keep my soul fertile for changes, for things getting born in things keep dying when its time for them to die." Donald Millar

This week I have been tackling the grim task of purging my overflowing "storage" aka: "memories.” I find in life sometimes we hold on so tight to those things that have such a deep and meaningful place in our lives...that there is difficulty for new things to come and take their place.
Usually I think its because we don't want to replace what we held so dear in our hearts. We as women I think find this especially challenging.

During my Master's Commission years we use to quote Jeanie Mayo: "The good is the enemy of the best."In everything...even the good and precious and lovely things in our lives if they take a locked place in our hearts to the point of not allowing for something new...and better to come in...what a tragedy of that preciousness. I believe holding onto the past season for a time is a needed part of our journey. It prepares us for a new season.
However I think too often we trick ourselves into limiting our lives and justify living in the past.
This is true in our walk with Christ and in the life calling and dreams that he has before us.
I myself have just come from a season of letting go of one of the most special memories I have yet experienced. I came to the realization that if I didn't leave it in the past...I would NEVER embrace fully the future God has yet before me.

Jesus loved over flowingly while he walked the earth, but he also loved and then moved on to the next place. Did that mean that He had no love for those he was just with?? NOT AT ALL!! He allowed His time here to be free of "heart restraints and guilt". People would beg Him to stay, yet He knew that He had to "let go" in a sense and keep going.

Ruth is such a beautiful portrayal of this for us as women. She LOVED deeply. I’m sure as she grieved her husbands death and the thought of leaving everything shed known and loved behind for a foreign place, she wasn't wanting that change. As she choose through that pain and precious memory to move on with Naomi and leave what she loved behind..she recognized what was left was memory. Good memory, but only memory. She went on to live her life FULL by letting go of that good season and walked in the best.....God not only played matchmaker for her...but she became the great grandmother of King the line of Christ.

When we let go of the good.....and embrace and allow for new things to grow and take place in our lives, we live out God's best for us. It starts in our daily relationship with Him, and through that, every aspect of life. The BEST will look and feel different than the BETTER. In keeping daily your heart fertile for those new things...the Best will take its place and the season that has been lived, loved and is dying now, can be fully let go*

God’s Best Friends,

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