Monday, August 15, 2011

The In Between Days

In recent years I have found King David to be a fascinating individual. As you recount the stories in the Bible of David we see him as a young boy willing to fight off the giant Goliath as the Israelite army watched. Then he is anointed as king while King Saul is still on the throne (that must have been pretty challenging!). His closest friend Jonathon is King Saul's son and during this time King Saul was trying to kill David (I think that might have put a bit of a strain on their friendship). And then there's King David, the man who slept with Bathsheba, she became pregnant, he sets up her husband Uriah to be killed (but it was supposed to look like an accident), and then the baby dies after he is born.

King David is held accountable for his actions by Nathan and repents of his sins and asks God to “create in me a clean heart” Ps. 51:10. Then look what Acts 13:22 says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’”

Have you ever wondered how this guy could do all that he did and still have a heart after God? Maybe we need to be careful we don't miss something. When we read about David don't overlook the days he methodically walked out his relationship with God in between each time we hear what was going on in his life. God is more interested in the state of our hearts than He is in our “perceived” accomplishments. When we sin do we find ourselves quickly repenting and running into the arms of our heavenly Father, or do we hide our sin by lying or trying to justify it?

Oh Lord, may we be like David with a heart that daily, moment by moment, chases after you.


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