Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Therefore, be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray.
1 Peter 4:7

Ouch, clear minded?  Lord, forgive me for going into prayer with my own intentions at heart.  I know in my head that You have the big picture in mind.  Align my heart and soul with Yours.

It's hard to be clear minded when our plans change or someone hurts us deeply.  Further it's harder still to be self controlled in the moment and beyond.  I know I have felt the ache of hurt to the point where I couldn't sleep and felt myself slipping into a pit of despair.  This is when it is critical to hold every thought captive - to calm the mind.  This allows us to see truth, things as they really are.  How to achieve this is at times my struggle...

So, again I turn to prayer:  Forgive me Father for withdrawing when I should be seeking You.

What I have learned:
Don't delay - deal with feelings right away.
Allow yourself to feel your feelings without judging them.  Cry if you need to.
Do delay taking action so you can think things over.
Pray for understanding and guidance.
Know that God can move in every situation inspite of any circumstance.
Forgive and ask for forgiveness when necessary.
Persist - Chase God's heart.
There IS hope in Christ Jesus.
You are not alone.

Press in and  press on,

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