Sunday, August 7, 2011

Requiring Change

Sometimes I need to accept the fact that something in my life requires change. Something as simple as a hair cut I've been putting off, cleaning out that closet of stuff I haven't used in years or even possibly some eating habit that has left a few extra pounds around my body;) Some of those things can be hard to change...or even more, find the time to change. As I'm getting older I'm realizing more and more that when I'm not actively changing those little things that seem to sneak up in my busy schedule, when bigger changes come working too much that my health is at risk, not investing in the relationships I've been investing in....that making the change whatever it needs to be is now a much much harder decision. I think alot of us because its harder decide not to make the change...we just stay where we are and try to make it work.
From personal experience...bad idea! When on a daily basis we ask God to reveal the habits in our lives that are not in accordance with His Word and the way He's created to live our lives, our hearts are being made ready for the change. Ask Him today to show you where change needs to take place.
Ask someone you trust in your life to be accountable in this with you.
Whether they're big changes or smaller ones, change keeps us ready for the new things that God desires to do in our lives...the new opportunities, new people, new adventures.....even a new life direction that maybe you've never allowed yourself to entertain, but God knows. Most of all daily knowing Christ more, being rooted knowing His Word...and going to new places with Him*


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