Monday, June 11, 2012


1 Thess. 5:11 says, "So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing."

I was recently scrolling through my list of friends on facebook and I was reminded of the many I haven't heard from in a long time. I don't know if you have ever done that with your list of friends, but if you haven't let me encourage you to take some to do that. It may feel like a waste of time and depending on how many friends you have it may take a little while, but I think it's a good exercise to remind us of our friends.

Perhaps it would be a good time to send a message to them individually, or perhaps you could pick up the phone and give them a call - to touch base and reconnect. Or perhaps you could set up a coffee date or shopping date with a group of your friends. I'm more and more convinced if we don't make an intentional effort to stay in touch, life will just happen and we'll find ourselves looking at weeks, months and even years between visits. (Let me remind you to be sure you have appropriate contact with those of the opposite gender.)

If you're not on facebook, perhaps you could take a few minutes to skim through your address book and send a note or pick up the phone and reconnect with those you haven't heard from in ages.

This may seem odd, but it's biblical to stay in touch, to chat on the phone and/or to message each other on facebook. We need to continue to encourage each other and build each other up. I don't need to tell you there are seasons in life which can be challenging and difficult, but there are also seasons of great joy and laughter. We need to be able to share these times with each other as well.

Pray over these re-connections and ask the Lord to guide your conversation. Let's read our bibles with the intention of finding ways to put the scriptures into practice in the everyday moments of our lives.


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