Friday, April 8, 2011

Restored to Completion

There is anticipation growing as I am preparing with the rest of our District Women's Leadership for our women's conference happening in Kenora this weekend. I remember as a youth attending so many youth retreats and conferences, each one shaped and challenged me on my journey with Christ. Theres something about getting away from the business of life and setting aside time to grow in knowing Christ more and connecting with other believers.
One thing that the Lord laid on my heart to share is the description of Ez. 37, (the valley of dry bones). When I was in Colombia last year, I was traveling by bus along the coast and I was asking the Lord for His heart for the people of the region I was going to preach in. As I kept looking out the window I was amazed by the green, lushness of the area....trees and grass and flowers blooming...LIFE. Suddenly it all came to an end we began to drive through what appeared to be a once lush and life filled meadow, which was now a dried up desert. There were huge trees with massive roots on their sides and the ground was so dry. In that moment God spoke a word to me regarding the desert and how His heart is going to bring up new life to the restore the LIFE!! Amen. I later found out that 2 prophets with in the month I was there had already prophesied the same thing to that specific region.
The Lord has put this same message deeply in my heart to share this weekend....and for you as well if you won't be joining us. There are seasons in life where things are stolen, emptied and not filled, lost and not found.......but HE has COME to BRING LIFE! and LIFE TO THE FULL!!!!! Amen!! HE WILL RESTORE!!!!!!!!
Ez. 37, at the end of what the prophet saw...its says regarding the army that was created from the breath of God and dry long dead bones.....that "and they stood to their FEET........a VAST army."
When God restores, He brings it to completion....not to their knees, to their FEET!!! He never goes halfway....He never just sort of does things, He never does random. He sees the bigger picture, He restores FULLY and MUCH.
Receive this dear friend and LOVED ONE for your life today!! We hope to see you in Kenora this weekend, wherever you find yourself this weekend, take a few moments and let Christ’s restoring power transform your life again*


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