Monday, May 9, 2011

Working together

When we turn on the news these days there is reference to flooding in so many places in North America.  The Mississippi River is flooding at record levels, the rivers in southern Quebec are flooding with the recent rains, and closer to home the Red River is incredibly high and the Assiniboine River is exceeding record levels.  I am amazed at the innovation and technology numerous people are using to fight the rising waters and the diligence to keep sandbagging and pumping the water back over the dikes to protect homes and businesses.  It’s a picture of diligent team-work, determination and working together. 

I have not been directly involved in fighting rising flood waters, but I have been involved in other circumstances where many of us were working together for a greater cause.  I love the feel of the team-work and camaraderie.  I love working together, solving the challenges together and completing the task together.  Not one person on their own, not a couple of people delegating, but many working together towards the same goal.  It’s a great accomplishment being part of something bigger and reaching the goal together.  Watch any team sporting event, and if they are good as a team, you’ll see this at work over and over again.

Whether the outcome is exactly as I would like it to turn out, it’s still better to be working together through the challenge.  Keep up the good fight, whether that’s against the elements of nature or towards the goals the Lord has set before you.

Be strong and courageous good friends!

“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” Phil 2:2


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