Monday, March 28, 2011

The little things

The beauty of God's creation is all around us. How many days go by without us taking the time to stop and admire it? I'm sure we've all heard the phrase, 'take time to stop and smell the roses'. What does that mean in the middle of the winter when it's -35C? Do we need to go to the florist everyday, or only live where roses bloom year-round?  I think it means we need to intentionally take time and moments throughout our days to savour and admire the little things in life. The simple giggle of a little child, the beauty of the ruggedness in nature, the smell of spring, the softness of a baby kitten, the taste of a sweet strawberry picked from the plant. It's when those little things are no longer available that we tend to realize how significant they are and how much we miss them.

I love the full moon. I like how big it is and how it lights my path in the night. However when the sky is dark because it's a new moon, I can tilt my head back and see the millions of stars twinkling and lighting up the night sky. It's fascinating to me that the same stars and moon I can see in my night sky can also be seen on the other side of the world by my friends - it helps to bridge the gap.

When troubles and everyday issues feel overwhelming it good to take the simple everyday things and remind ourselves that the same God who placed the stars and moon in the sky is the same God who walks through our challenging day with us. Maybe we need to be more intentional and find little things in our days to remind us that the same God who created the mountains and the hummingbirds, the waterfalls and the waterlilies, the lion and the fawn is the same God who created you and cares about the moments in your day.

Mt. 10:31 “So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”


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