Wednesday, April 18, 2012


It was a dreary, gray Sunday morning. I was in Winnipeg and had to be up and about earlier than I would have liked if I was going to be back home in time for the morning service.

It had already been a busy weekend. Lots of travel and some sleep lost due to my mind refusing to slow down when my head hit the pillow.

Packing up the vehicle for the trip home, the cool, damp air seemed to add to the weariness. A stop at Timmie’s was definitely in order before leaving the city!

As I was heading out to the highway which would take me home, the fog rolled in. The road was dry and there wasn’t much traffic but I switched on the fog lights and reduced my speed a bit, just to stay safe.

Some miles down the road, after stopping to refuel and replenish my coffee, I send a text just to say that I am on my way but may not arrive on time. The reply comes,” travel safely.” Travel safely….

I know this road well and have travelled it many times. Driving in the thickening fog though is disorienting. I suppose that better sleep would have helped but a few times I find myself wondering just where I am…which towns have I passed? Are those curves coming soon? What is up ahead? No matter, I know this is the road that takes me home. I determine to keep going.

Once the decision is made to follow Christ, we can rest assured that we are on the road that will take us home. That doesn’t mean that the whole road will be plainly before us though. Sometimes straining to see what lies ahead can cause weariness…even despair. It can be like the fog that closes in and disorients, maybe even leading us to wonder if we are even still on the right path.

I think that David knew this feeling and recognized what he needed along the way.

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior,and my hope is in you all day long.” (Ps. 25:4 & 5)

He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (Ps. 23:2 & 3)

Rest, restoration, revelation of His ways…teaching & guidance…we need to be open to all of these provisions as we travel our road, because sometimes the path ahead is obscured…we can only see the next step. Without these provisions, we will become disoriented…but in Him…with Him…we will travel safely.


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